1. The person I like and why I like them: I don’t have a real proper crush on anyone at the moment, although I had my eye one of the guys working at the hostel where we stayed in London. In other words, someone I barely knew at all. I don’t even know his name, so I called him Man-Bun in my head. He just seemed kind, and sweet.
2. A famous person I’ve been compared to: Deborah Winger, because I laugh like her. And Ed Norton, because I apparently looked like him when I dressed as a creepy man for a movie Victoria and I made. Also Anne Hathaway...in The Princess Diaries, pre-makeover. I think it’s the hair. But I’ll take any comparison to Anne Hathaway, honestly.
3. 5 things that irritate me about the same sex/opposite sex:
Caution: Generalizations ahead!
Same sex: 1 – Girls can be really judgmental 2 – So many girls have low self-esteem and don’t see how great they are 3 – When girls focus so much more on guys than anything else in life 4 – When girls play dumb to get a guy to like them (like, how is that a good idea???) 5 – Being competitive with other girls instead of just getting along
Opposite sex: 1 – They make bathrooms gross 2 – Male pride 3 – The way they spit 4 – “The Friend Zone” 5 – When they won’t man up and make the first move
It was a lot easier to think of irritating things about guys. lol
4. The best thing that has happened to me this week: Sitting front row center in the audience at Romeo and Juliet, and being pointed out by Benvolio while he was telling Romeo (Fra!!!) to check out other girls. They were so close to me. They were staring RIGHT AT ME. It was heavenly. Even when Fra made an “ughh” face and then Benvolio had to clean off his glasses to take a better look, which was hilarious.
5. Weird things I do when I’m alone: Talk to myself in different accents/sometimes as different characters. Sing. A lot. And dance. And make up songs.
6. How I’d spend ten thousand bucks: I shouldn't say theatre tickets….No, honestly, I’d probably give some to my parents, and some to the church, and then I’d try to live off the rest of it in London for as long as I could. Or use it to travel the world! ............or theatre tickets….
7. Things I like and things I don’t like about the way I look: I both like and dislike my hair. Usually I like it, but that depends on what it’s doing. I like my figure and my complexion. I don’t like how hairy I am (other than my hair hair). I am a very hairy woman.
8. My last night out in detail: Depends on what you mean by “out.” I went to a play the other night. But you just heard about that a couple of questions ago. I also got rained on. But Jill said I looked cinematic, and I enjoy getting rained on, so it was okay.
9. Something that makes me sad when I think about it: When I see flyers about missing animals I get really sad, knowing somebody’s pet is out there all alone and lost. :’(
10. Something I’ve lied about: The first thing that comes to mind (since Jill always brings it up) is having a crush on Nathaniel freshman year. I kept that secret for a good long while. Sorry guys.
11. Would I rather be stranded on a desert island with someone I love for ten years or someone I hate for a month? Explain why. : With someone I hate for a month, because I could get off the island sooner, duh! Plus there aren’t really very many people I hate, if any. I mean, I don’t hate anyone I know personally, although one person I have hated in the past, but not anymore. Who do I hate? I hate terrorists. I wouldn’t want to be stuck on an island with one of them, because I’d probably die. But if I were guaranteed to live the entire month and then get off the island, I’d pick whoever it is that I supposedly hate. Plus, maybe after a month alone with said person, we could be friends instead of enemies. It’s worth a shot.
12. Something I’m currently worring about: Where should I start?! Money, jobs, internships, bank accounts, immigration offices, etc.
13. One person from tumblr I’d throw off a cliff, one I’d marry, and one I’d…never mind: Sometimes I’d like to throw half of tumblr off a cliff, to be quite honest. Marry? Hmm…Tom Butler has a tumblr. Yeah….
14. Something I do without realizing: Well, if I realized it, I’d know, wouldn’t I?
15. Lyrics that apply to my current situation/mood: "I don't know what I want/So don't ask me/'Cause I'm still trying to figure it out/Don't know what's down this road/I'm just walking/Trying to see through the rain pouring down" That's right. Going old-school Taylor Swift on ya!
16. A drunken story: Since I’ve never been drunk, I guess I can’t answer this one the way the question would expect. But also, I’m apparently really bad at telling the difference between drunk and just really friendly, so when I met Daniel Vincent Gordh and Allison Paige (Darcy and Gigi from LBD) at Vidcon, I thought they were super interested in chatting and that was awesome and they were SO FRIENDLY and bubbly and fun. Later Jill or Rachael or someone informed me that they were actually quite tipsy. My bad. They were still super nice. So there’s a drunken story (sort of).
17. Something I regret: Not asking Ben Gunderson out for donuts. #GrantaireDonutFund
18. Post a picture of myself:
(I saw this movie today. Be jealous!)
19. My longest relationship and who it was with: Nathaniel, 2-3 months? However, the city of London and I have had an on-again, off-again thing for the past three years, and I’d say it’s my true lover. ;)
20. Press ctrl v and post
That would literally be this questionnaire, because I did it on a Word document.
21. Post a bit of my last IM convo
ghetto st patrick, yo
y'all snakes get out the hizzle
22. 5 things I want to change
-The fact that I don’t have a job
-The fact that I’m not a published author
-The fact that I don’t live in London
-How hot it is in this room
-My socks
23. My view on being tumblr famous: At just 87 followers, I am far from tumblr famous.
24. Someone I’d like to be for a day and why: Can you all guess who I’d be? I bet you can. If you said Carrie Hope Fletcher, you’re very predictably correct. Why? Too many reasons to count, but here’s 3: She lives in a purple flat in London, she’s Eponine every night and twice on Wednesdays, and she has the most beautiful hair in the world!
25. 5 things within touching distance: Bible, Enjolras jacket, watch, laptop charger, pillow
26. Story of my first kiss: On campus, between FAC and the library. With Nathaniel shortly after we’d officially gotten together. Late afternoon. He asked permission to kiss me.
So that's that. And here's a song for you guys because seriously, TOM BUTLER!
Anna Beth