But I digress. In actually important news, the Supreme Court legalized gay marriage throughout the country today, which is, you know, preeeeetty cool. I’ve never really understood why it has to be such a big deal- if you do have religious oppositions to marrying someone of the same sex, just don’t do it. But don’t force your beliefs onto other people- there’s nothing either biblical or Christ-like about that.
The rest of today’s news was less cheerful- a memorial service for one of the murdered church members in Charleston and three terrorist attacks were a sobering reminder that much is still wrong with the world.
Then JKR announced that a new play, “Harry Potter and the Cursed Child” is going to come out in London next summer, which is exciting. Jake and I kinda really hope we can go as part of our honeymoon, but we shall see.
Aaaaand that’s all I have to say about that. I would love to hear from more of you this week! You know, about your lives, and adventures, and feelings, and stuff. Sooooo…
Bye now!