After roughly 30 hours traveling, we have arrived in Alton, UK. And the weather's great.
Where to start?
Well, for one, my suitcase is falling apart. It's lovely to get a nice suitcase for really cheap. It's not lovely if the rolling handle breaks in the airport right before checking in. And of course the other fabric handle is already ripped. So 'Taire (my suitcase... Yes I named it) is now down to one semi-usable handle on his side; not really ideal, but as long as it makes it to Dublin in one piece that's all that matters.
Anyway, my Monday started at 4am, and my family and I were on the road to the airport by 4:30. All in all though (except for the suitcase) everything went really smoothly. I thought for sure my suitcase would be overweight but it wasn't. And the layovers went super fast, even the 7 hour long one in JFK. AB and I literally just talked about random stuff for about 7 hours straight. It was great.
It was really on the flight to London where things started to drag. There's only so long I can be cooped up in a sitting position without going a little aggro. It didn't help that I was in the middle aisle of seats, aka you will not find a comfortable sleeping position ever. And then the queue for immigration was super long. And it took a while to load onto the bus to Waterloo train station and then to drive to Waterloo and drag a broken suitcase into the station...
But going into Waterloo was like a bit of a homecoming. It was the first truly familiar thing I'd seen in London yet. And it was simple enough to get on the train to Alton where we could finally say we were done traveling for a spell, or at least dragging luggage around (seriously though, I love traveling but I hate carrying stuff around)
It's great being around Suzanne and Daniel and the boys again. They're a riot. They took us out to Lasham airfield to watch gliders taking off and have some ice cream after dinner. Pretty unique experience. And then we all watched a TV special on space and physics hosted by Brian Cox together.
Ok I guess that's it for today? I need to head to bed. I believe we're gonna go see Windsor castle tomorrow
Best Wishes,
P.S. -- I'm writing this while AB is sleeping but she literally just woke up, asked me if I was still a duck and that everyone else is a goose and then went back to sleep
Fun times