Hello from theme week! Cause it’s not stealing anymore if everyone’s done it, right? I have chosen to use AB’s questions, though I took out a couple of the tumblr-y ones. I have taken everyone’s advice and stayed away from that black hole of lost productivity :P Sooo here I go!
1. The person I like and why I like them: Jake! Mostly cause he gave me a shiny pretty ring, and what girl could resist such a gesture? Forreal, though, he is more than I could ever have imagined. Funny, smart, goofy, talkative where I’m quiet, outgoing where I’m reserved. As an introvert, I always needed to get away from people and be on my own to recharge, but there has literally never been a moment when I felt like I’d had my fill of Jake time. We talk about anything and everything and can just completely be ourselves together, and I am beyond blessed to have him.
2. A famous person I’ve been compared to: Audrey Hepburn primarily. All kinds of people say I look like her, I guess cause I’m tiny. Though I think she was actually pretty tall. Also Helena Bonham Carter, especially by Anna Beth :P
3. 5 things that irritate me about the same sex/opposite sex:
Same sex:
- I have to agree with Anna Beth- girls can be really judgmental
- Also jealous
- Grudgy
- For all their talking, not very into productive communication
- Generally ridiculous
*** Obviously I don’t mean all girls or girls in general. I personally am fortunate enough to have a group of friends who are very much none of these things :) But some girls are like this, and I am not a fan.
Opposite sex:
- Messy- Jake gets a little bit of a pass because he’s finishing up his finals, but I really wonder sometimes if boys care at all about hygiene or organization. How can you live this way???
- Entitled- by which I mean everything from “friend zones” to “she had it coming” lines. All those things make me want to punch/yell at/castrate people
- Loud- So loud. Just in your face, assuming everyone wants to hear what they have to say, especially if they’re halfway across the room
- Feeling-phobic- I am lucky enough to have avoided this particular trait with my boy :) I wouldn’t like it at all if I were with a guy who got all weird whenever feelings came up.
- Overly-masculine- By which I mean so intent on proving how “manly” they are that they won’t admit to anything that might be considered “weak” or “girly.”
*** Again, I’m not talking about all guys here. I plan on spending the rest of my life with one, so obviously they’re not all bad! Though Jake is pretty messy. So messy…
4. The best thing that has happened to me this week: Well, the fact that it is currently 10 a.m. on a Friday and I’m sitting at home writing this blog post is pretty nice. It’s Derby weekend, so any school systems even remotely close to Louisville are apparently off. Yay! Also, we had a Kindergarten Derby this week, wherein our kids brought in stick horses and raced them around the gym. They had a blast, and it was really fun to watch :)
5. Weird things I do when I’m alone: I’m a pretty weird person. I make random sounds when I do things, do little dances, and also compulsively organize. I also have a habit of getting really comfy, especially if it’s a little cold, and just sitting there, doing absolutely nothing, until I realize I have things to do and force myself to get up (which could take awhile).
6. How I’d spend ten thousand bucks: I’d put it straight into my savings account.
7. Things I like and things I don’t like about the way I look: My thighs. It’s less about how they look, and more about the inconvenience, though. They’re bigger proportionally than the rest of me, so I can never find pants that fit right! They either get stuck on my thighs or I have to pull them up all day because they don’t fit my waist. I also don’t like my hair, but that’s more of a temporary thing, seeing as I haven’t had a haircut in I don’t even know when, so my bangs are all in my face and I can’t do anything with them.
For things I do like, I like being short, and I like my hands/fingers, because I think they’re thin and dainty. I also like my eyes, and I usually like my hair, when I get a good haircut.
8. My last night out in detail: Well, I came down to Bowling Green, and Jake wanted to go visit campus. So we walked around, and we decided to go by the kissing bridge. There was a TARDIS, the Doctor showed up, it was sunset, I think you all know the details ;)
9. Something that makes me sad when I think about it: Dead animals on the side of the road. Especially cats and dogs. Especially especially the ones that I keep seeing because no one has come to take their poor bodies away :(
10. Something I’ve lied about: Usually when I lie (intentionally, at least) it’s more of an avoidance of fact that an outright speaking of falsehoods. Like when I had a crush on lasagna at first I just avoided the subject or made people guess. Another thing that comes to mind is, like, the most common lie told ever- when someone asks how you are and you say fine.
11. Would I rather be stranded on a desert island with someone I love for ten years or someone I hate for a month? Explain why: Someone I love for ten years. Assuming we had means to survive for said ten years, at least.
12. Something I’m currently worrying about: I am a pro worrier- when can I get married, how much is it going to cost, goings on at school, just to name a few.
13. One person I’d throw off a cliff, one I’d marry: I don’t want to throw anyone off the cliff, and I think the next is obvious :D
14. Something I do without realizing: I sway, like, all the time. You can even see it in the proposal video, for goodness’ sake!
15. Lyrics that apply to my current situation/mood: Have you all heard Matthew West’s new song, Day One? "I wish I was a perfect picture of/ somebody who’s never not good enough/ I try to measure up but I mess it up/ and I wish I wasn’t like that… It’s day one of the rest of my life/ Day one of the best of my life…” It’s a really good song :)
17. Something I regret: I’m sure I have them, but nothing is coming to mind. Not taking Spanish sooner in high school?
19. My longest relationship and who it was with: 1 year, 5, months, 3 weeks and counting <3
20. Press ctrl v and post
It would be Anna Beth’s post, which I copy/pasted to get the questions. But I’ll let you read that below.
21. Post a bit of my last IM conversation: I don’t IM…
22. 5 things I want to change
- Haircut
- Marital status
- Amount of the world I have visited (Scotland! Venice! Wales! Come to meeeeee)
- I’d like to be better at being selfless
- I’d also like to worry less and trust more
24. Someone I’d like to be for a day and why: Meh. I’d rather just stay myself, to be honest. Unless we’re counting fictional characters? Cause totally Hermione. I mean, come on.
25. 5 things within touching distance: Laptop, blanket, phone, ketchup, hairclip
26. Story of my first kiss: You all already know this one :) My first date with Jake, he took me out to his farm where there was a pretty cliff overlooking the water. He made me close my eyes and take his hand, and there were candles everywhere, and it was super romantic, and he kissed me <3
So there’s that! Someone else feel free to come up with another theme that we can all steal use next week. Bye!
1. The person I like and why I like them: Jake! Mostly cause he gave me a shiny pretty ring, and what girl could resist such a gesture? Forreal, though, he is more than I could ever have imagined. Funny, smart, goofy, talkative where I’m quiet, outgoing where I’m reserved. As an introvert, I always needed to get away from people and be on my own to recharge, but there has literally never been a moment when I felt like I’d had my fill of Jake time. We talk about anything and everything and can just completely be ourselves together, and I am beyond blessed to have him.
2. A famous person I’ve been compared to: Audrey Hepburn primarily. All kinds of people say I look like her, I guess cause I’m tiny. Though I think she was actually pretty tall. Also Helena Bonham Carter, especially by Anna Beth :P
3. 5 things that irritate me about the same sex/opposite sex:
Same sex:
- I have to agree with Anna Beth- girls can be really judgmental
- Also jealous
- Grudgy
- For all their talking, not very into productive communication
- Generally ridiculous
*** Obviously I don’t mean all girls or girls in general. I personally am fortunate enough to have a group of friends who are very much none of these things :) But some girls are like this, and I am not a fan.
Opposite sex:
- Messy- Jake gets a little bit of a pass because he’s finishing up his finals, but I really wonder sometimes if boys care at all about hygiene or organization. How can you live this way???
- Entitled- by which I mean everything from “friend zones” to “she had it coming” lines. All those things make me want to punch/yell at/castrate people
- Loud- So loud. Just in your face, assuming everyone wants to hear what they have to say, especially if they’re halfway across the room
- Feeling-phobic- I am lucky enough to have avoided this particular trait with my boy :) I wouldn’t like it at all if I were with a guy who got all weird whenever feelings came up.
- Overly-masculine- By which I mean so intent on proving how “manly” they are that they won’t admit to anything that might be considered “weak” or “girly.”
*** Again, I’m not talking about all guys here. I plan on spending the rest of my life with one, so obviously they’re not all bad! Though Jake is pretty messy. So messy…
4. The best thing that has happened to me this week: Well, the fact that it is currently 10 a.m. on a Friday and I’m sitting at home writing this blog post is pretty nice. It’s Derby weekend, so any school systems even remotely close to Louisville are apparently off. Yay! Also, we had a Kindergarten Derby this week, wherein our kids brought in stick horses and raced them around the gym. They had a blast, and it was really fun to watch :)
5. Weird things I do when I’m alone: I’m a pretty weird person. I make random sounds when I do things, do little dances, and also compulsively organize. I also have a habit of getting really comfy, especially if it’s a little cold, and just sitting there, doing absolutely nothing, until I realize I have things to do and force myself to get up (which could take awhile).
6. How I’d spend ten thousand bucks: I’d put it straight into my savings account.
7. Things I like and things I don’t like about the way I look: My thighs. It’s less about how they look, and more about the inconvenience, though. They’re bigger proportionally than the rest of me, so I can never find pants that fit right! They either get stuck on my thighs or I have to pull them up all day because they don’t fit my waist. I also don’t like my hair, but that’s more of a temporary thing, seeing as I haven’t had a haircut in I don’t even know when, so my bangs are all in my face and I can’t do anything with them.
For things I do like, I like being short, and I like my hands/fingers, because I think they’re thin and dainty. I also like my eyes, and I usually like my hair, when I get a good haircut.
8. My last night out in detail: Well, I came down to Bowling Green, and Jake wanted to go visit campus. So we walked around, and we decided to go by the kissing bridge. There was a TARDIS, the Doctor showed up, it was sunset, I think you all know the details ;)
9. Something that makes me sad when I think about it: Dead animals on the side of the road. Especially cats and dogs. Especially especially the ones that I keep seeing because no one has come to take their poor bodies away :(
10. Something I’ve lied about: Usually when I lie (intentionally, at least) it’s more of an avoidance of fact that an outright speaking of falsehoods. Like when I had a crush on lasagna at first I just avoided the subject or made people guess. Another thing that comes to mind is, like, the most common lie told ever- when someone asks how you are and you say fine.
11. Would I rather be stranded on a desert island with someone I love for ten years or someone I hate for a month? Explain why: Someone I love for ten years. Assuming we had means to survive for said ten years, at least.
12. Something I’m currently worrying about: I am a pro worrier- when can I get married, how much is it going to cost, goings on at school, just to name a few.
13. One person I’d throw off a cliff, one I’d marry: I don’t want to throw anyone off the cliff, and I think the next is obvious :D
14. Something I do without realizing: I sway, like, all the time. You can even see it in the proposal video, for goodness’ sake!
15. Lyrics that apply to my current situation/mood: Have you all heard Matthew West’s new song, Day One? "I wish I was a perfect picture of/ somebody who’s never not good enough/ I try to measure up but I mess it up/ and I wish I wasn’t like that… It’s day one of the rest of my life/ Day one of the best of my life…” It’s a really good song :)
17. Something I regret: I’m sure I have them, but nothing is coming to mind. Not taking Spanish sooner in high school?
19. My longest relationship and who it was with: 1 year, 5, months, 3 weeks and counting <3
20. Press ctrl v and post
It would be Anna Beth’s post, which I copy/pasted to get the questions. But I’ll let you read that below.
21. Post a bit of my last IM conversation: I don’t IM…
22. 5 things I want to change
- Haircut
- Marital status
- Amount of the world I have visited (Scotland! Venice! Wales! Come to meeeeee)
- I’d like to be better at being selfless
- I’d also like to worry less and trust more
24. Someone I’d like to be for a day and why: Meh. I’d rather just stay myself, to be honest. Unless we’re counting fictional characters? Cause totally Hermione. I mean, come on.
25. 5 things within touching distance: Laptop, blanket, phone, ketchup, hairclip
26. Story of my first kiss: You all already know this one :) My first date with Jake, he took me out to his farm where there was a pretty cliff overlooking the water. He made me close my eyes and take his hand, and there were candles everywhere, and it was super romantic, and he kissed me <3
So there’s that! Someone else feel free to come up with another theme that we can all steal use next week. Bye!