After that whirlwind of a two days, the rest of the week went by pretty quickly with one snow day and a two-hour delay on Friday. Let's just say DC isn't as prepared as I assumed it would be when it comes to snow. No complaints here though! Time away from work has been filled with furniture research and fun home shopping! Going to World Market yesterday was a struggle because I wanted to buy ALL THE THINGS. Seriously, World Market knows what I like. Slowly but surely, my little studio is feeling more like a home--my kitchen is well-stocked, I've bought some colorful decoration pieces and rugs, and I have furniture coming in this week! I cannot wait to sleep on a real bed; this air mattress is not the greatest, but I only have to hold out a few days more!
I'll sign off quickly with this picture of the entrance to DC's Chinatown! I did a little exploring in the area today, and I had to fight the temptation to go to each bakery and restaurant to sample goodies.