Hello from my continued existence. I’m pretty sure this question thing isn’t going to get anyone else back into blogging, but here it goes anywayyyyy.
1. What is your earliest memory?
My earliest memories are of the first house my family and I lived in, which we rented in Louisville. I remember the walls being brick, and a picture of my papaw in a black cowboy hat hanging on one living room wall. I also remember testing a pair of my Barbie scissors out one day and running up to my mom in the kitchen, all excited to tell her “it cuts people hair too!” Needless to say, this news did not make her very happy.
The last thing I remember about that house was leaving it. That was when we moved to E-town, and I was about four-and-a-half. It was winter time, and I waved good-bye to the house as we drove off.
2. Tell me about your most embarrassing haircut (bonus points if you have pictures!).
Umm… surely you guys remember that I had straight bangs for the better part of 20 years, right? Soooo take your pick.
3. If you could only eat one fruit for the rest of your life, which would you choose?
Now when we talk about eating fruit, that means I can still have whatever fruit juice I want right? If that’s the case, then I’m torn between strawberries and apples. Strawberries are delicious, but I also really like applesauce. That’d be tough to give up.
If fruit juice is included, then I’d have to go apples. They’re just so diverse. I can’t give up apples AND applesauce AND apple juice. It just can’t happen.
4. What books have impacted your life and why?
Well, even though Amber already gave this answer, I have to agree that the Bible has had the biggest impact. It influences how I try to live my life and the person I aspire to be.
In addition, I’d have to say the Harry Potter series, seeing as I’ve read them more times than I can count (to the point that rereading some of them now gets hard because I have somewhat memorized every scene that comes up…), watched all the movies, written fan fiction, wished to go to Hogwarts, and am currently caught up with the story on Pottermore. Plus I was a little devastated that we couldn’t go to Harry Potter World on our spring break trip to Florida last year.
Finally, a book called Teach like Your Hair’s on Fire had a pretty big impact on me. It’s written by an amazing and dedicated teacher out in California, and it gives a lot of suggestions for making an effective classroom. I’ll be lucky if I can ever be half the teacher he is.
5. If you had to be famous for something, what would it be?
Being a super awesome teacher. Or maybe writing a book. Ooh, writing a book about how to be a super awesome teacher. Best of both worlds!
6. Name three places you want to go before you die.
Fortunately for me, I got to go to several of those places over the spring! Unfortunately for me, there are so many more places :/
The top three that I haven’t gotten to visit and reeeeaaalllllyyyyyyy want to before too long are Venice, Edinburgh (or anywhere in Scotland), and Wales. In case you’re curious, third was a struggle between Wales and all of Ireland. Wales only won because I haven’t been there yet. But I definitely want to go back to Ireland and just explore everywhere.
Ooh, I just realized this includes places in America like Disney World and Harry Potter World…
Ok, so my new top three list still includes Venice and Edinburgh, but Orlando is taking the last spot.
7. What's your favorite song at the moment?
This magic:
Seriously. It’s like the anthem for grammar Nazis everywhere.
8. If you got a tattoo, what would it be and where?
I agree with Amber that tramp stamps are kind of cool if only they didn’t have that association. Especially since, as an aspiring teacher, I can’t really have anything visible, and so lower back would be a really good place to put one. Aside from that, though, I’ve always thought it’d be cute just to have a little heart or something simple on my ankle.
9. Tangled or Frozen?
Tangled. They’re both adorable and wonderful, but you just can’t beat Flynn and Rapunzel <3
1. What is your earliest memory?
My earliest memories are of the first house my family and I lived in, which we rented in Louisville. I remember the walls being brick, and a picture of my papaw in a black cowboy hat hanging on one living room wall. I also remember testing a pair of my Barbie scissors out one day and running up to my mom in the kitchen, all excited to tell her “it cuts people hair too!” Needless to say, this news did not make her very happy.
The last thing I remember about that house was leaving it. That was when we moved to E-town, and I was about four-and-a-half. It was winter time, and I waved good-bye to the house as we drove off.
2. Tell me about your most embarrassing haircut (bonus points if you have pictures!).
Umm… surely you guys remember that I had straight bangs for the better part of 20 years, right? Soooo take your pick.
3. If you could only eat one fruit for the rest of your life, which would you choose?
Now when we talk about eating fruit, that means I can still have whatever fruit juice I want right? If that’s the case, then I’m torn between strawberries and apples. Strawberries are delicious, but I also really like applesauce. That’d be tough to give up.
If fruit juice is included, then I’d have to go apples. They’re just so diverse. I can’t give up apples AND applesauce AND apple juice. It just can’t happen.
4. What books have impacted your life and why?
Well, even though Amber already gave this answer, I have to agree that the Bible has had the biggest impact. It influences how I try to live my life and the person I aspire to be.
In addition, I’d have to say the Harry Potter series, seeing as I’ve read them more times than I can count (to the point that rereading some of them now gets hard because I have somewhat memorized every scene that comes up…), watched all the movies, written fan fiction, wished to go to Hogwarts, and am currently caught up with the story on Pottermore. Plus I was a little devastated that we couldn’t go to Harry Potter World on our spring break trip to Florida last year.
Finally, a book called Teach like Your Hair’s on Fire had a pretty big impact on me. It’s written by an amazing and dedicated teacher out in California, and it gives a lot of suggestions for making an effective classroom. I’ll be lucky if I can ever be half the teacher he is.
5. If you had to be famous for something, what would it be?
Being a super awesome teacher. Or maybe writing a book. Ooh, writing a book about how to be a super awesome teacher. Best of both worlds!
6. Name three places you want to go before you die.
Fortunately for me, I got to go to several of those places over the spring! Unfortunately for me, there are so many more places :/
The top three that I haven’t gotten to visit and reeeeaaalllllyyyyyyy want to before too long are Venice, Edinburgh (or anywhere in Scotland), and Wales. In case you’re curious, third was a struggle between Wales and all of Ireland. Wales only won because I haven’t been there yet. But I definitely want to go back to Ireland and just explore everywhere.
Ooh, I just realized this includes places in America like Disney World and Harry Potter World…
Ok, so my new top three list still includes Venice and Edinburgh, but Orlando is taking the last spot.
7. What's your favorite song at the moment?
This magic:
Seriously. It’s like the anthem for grammar Nazis everywhere.
8. If you got a tattoo, what would it be and where?
I agree with Amber that tramp stamps are kind of cool if only they didn’t have that association. Especially since, as an aspiring teacher, I can’t really have anything visible, and so lower back would be a really good place to put one. Aside from that, though, I’ve always thought it’d be cute just to have a little heart or something simple on my ankle.
9. Tangled or Frozen?
Tangled. They’re both adorable and wonderful, but you just can’t beat Flynn and Rapunzel <3