Garden mums, hibiscus, snapdragons, and roses are all growing on my porch now! I decided to celebrate my birthday by purchasing more flowers to brighten up the space and my days. Mark even bought me roses- I have quite the flower-filled apartment! One of my favorite memories from being younger was getting the “discounted” flowers from Lowe's discount racks. They often looked like they were dead, but the majority of the time a lot of water and love helped them come back to full health. I did that with these as well… We’ll see how they do!
Before I forget, I wanted to give a quick update on a post I did a couple of weeks back, where I said I felt really, really tired all of the time and was going to go to the doctor to get blood tests done. It turns out everything is normal- all of my blood work came back fine! I have tried changing my diet a bit recently to add more nutrients and variety of things, so perhaps that is helping. I am feeling better, so that’s a good thing. It’ll be an interesting thing for me to track over the next couple of weeks.
Weekends are great, aren’t they?! I’ve been using this one to catch up on sleep, cleaning, and all of those fun little tasks that keep getting put off during the week, like going to the bank, grocery shopping, organizing my bookshelf, sewing… There’s always time on the weekend to do fun things! I love the relaxed pace of them, but they always seem to be over sooner than I expect. Still, after a long (4 day) week, it’s nice to have more relaxing days.
Reading is a thing! It’s so nice for me to discover books I’ve purchased for $.50 but have never read and get super excited to read them! I’m currently reading (ok, re-reading for the third or fourth time, but the first time for a copy that I own) The Notebook, and it’s even sweeter than the movie. Sometimes you just need a Nicholas Sparks book…
GMAT tutoring: I just started tutoring someone to help them prepare for the quantitative section of the GMAT exam (which is used to get into business school/to get your MBA). Even though I haven’t taken the test, I’m still able to help her prepare for the problems she’ll see on the exam and hopefully give her a few tricks to get back into the swing of things again. The problems are similar to those on the GRE, but there’s an interesting section called “Data Sufficiency,” where the entire point is not to solve the math problem but to weigh facts and see if those facts would make the problem solvable. It’s quite an interesting way to do things! I’m considering going for my MBA in a year or so, so this is good practice for me too. Plus, a little extra spending money never hurt…
‘Till next week my friends! I hope you’re all doing well, and I’m so glad I got to see a couple of you when I was visiting home last weekend. Hopefully I’ll get to see all of you again soon!
We have a Hunger Games song of the week! I didn’t realize this song was from the Catching Fire soundtrack, as I first heard it on Dancing with the Stars. What’s more odd is that the song is apparently on the Assassin’s Creed Unity trailer… (Fun fact- I’m quite a fan of the Assassin’s Creed series, despite never playing anything but the AC Pirates game on my iPad, as they never released a game for the Wii. I did like watching Hank play Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood, and I started watching the Assassin’s Creed Revelations playlist a while back but never finished. I need to rent a xbox from my library and play the actual game!!) Anyway, this song actually came out in the 80s by a band called Tears for Fears and keeps popping up. This is a special cover by Lorde that’s been quite successful, to say the least. Enjoy!
“Everybody Wants to Rule the World” – Lorde