Do I even remember how to blog anymore? There are so many things I could say, but I don't really have words. I could talk about my trip to Columbus and New York, but those feel like they happened a million years ago. I could talk about how it feels to be facing the rest of my life now, and trying to figure out what it is I should do, but that's daunting. Or I could talk about looking through my old yearbooks seeing messages like "We'll visit each other at least once a month" or "We'll still be best friends in college" and knowing that I barely kept in touch with one or two people and let all the others slip through the cracks. But that's a bit depressing. And that won't happen to us, right guys?
But anyway, I could be really emo and talk about all those things, but I'm not going to. I have a really awesome life, and some great things have been happening lately. Such as:
- I visited Rachael and got to tour New York City for the first time, complete with a Broadway show, of course. You know I couldn't go to NY and not see Les Mis! ;)
- Also, the lovely Ben Gunderson replied to me on twitter and I still kind of stare at that tweet with such a goofy smile on my face....
- I got to hang out with Amber in her fantabulous apartment in Columbus and experience The Book Loft. What a wonderful place. Also, watching Rachael and Jill fence in nationals in Columbus was super awesome. And Tim Hortons!!!!
- Shelby came to visit! And now she's living in Amsterdam!!! How exciting is that!?!!?
- I got cast in a play. Yeah, I know I'm not really an actor or anything, but I thought it would be fun to audition, since a local theatre group is doing The Giver. So I somewhat impulsively auditioned and I got cast as Jonas' mom. And someone I know from the BCM is playing Jonas' dad, so that'll be fun to share the stage with at least one person who's not a random stranger.
So that's the news. I'm still waiting to hear about the film job in Louisville, so please pray for that, if you feel so inclined. Gracias!
Also, I was thinking about whether or not I want to have a theme for my blogging day like Sara has had Question Tuesdays and Amber has done music recommendations in each of her posts. My posts probably won't really adhere to a theme, but Theatre Thursday did cross my mind, since I'd probably end up talking about something theatre-related anyway. So, on behalf of the first Theatre Thursday, here's a video that you should all watch and be amazed by. This is Carrie Hope Fletcher (a.k.a. Eponine in the current West End cast of Les Miserables a.k.a. ItsWayPastMyBedtime on Youtube a.k.a. my hero and the person I want to be when I grow up) singing "Pulled" from The Addams Family. And yes, I was already fully convinced of her awesomeness as a singer and actress, obviously. But in this performance, she really takes it to a whole new level. She's electric, and really different, and not Carrie at all but in a good way. Watch and be amazed:
Oh, and completely unrelated, but I need your opinions, and I like to end with a question to encourage discussion/comments. So I have a Barnes and Noble gift card, and there are two books that sound particularly intriguing. Elusion and A Girl Called Fearless. Check out the summaries that I've linked to, and let me know which you think I should get!
Until next time,
Anna Beth