I suppose a proper introduction is in order. My name is Chester, and I am a 2 year old Pomeranian Chihuahua, better known as a Pomchi. I spent the first year and a half of my life living with 52 of my brothers and sisters in a very crowded home in central Columbus. My previous dad was away frequently traveling for work; I think he drove a truck for very long distances, much too far for puppy feet to keep up with. Instead, I spent the majority of my time indoors with my family. We didn’t get to go outside very often at all, and we really just took over the house. This continued for a while until some strange people came and took all of us away from the house and our old dad. It was odd to see so many people in one place. Until that day, I had seen more dogs than humans. I found out later that this was what they call “hoarding.” I just think it was us making the best of a small space. It’s kind of weird to look myself up on the internet (another beautiful discovery my new mom showed me), but if you’re curious to learn more about my first year and a half, you can look here:
That is all in the past now. I was taken to the Capital Area Humane Society and lived there for almost three months. They gave me a name for the first time- Lucas. Really, that was my first introduction to what you all consider the “world.” I was taken out multiple times a day to this beautiful place called “outside,” and I realized that I could explore new scents, see the weather change, experience rain and SNOW (I love eating this white fluffy thing!), and chase leaves and rabbits and squirrels and cats and… I’m getting distracted. Let’s just say that I love being outside and often beg my mom to take me outside, even when it’s just for fun. :)
Anyway, I spent almost all of my three months being unadoptable at the shelter. I went through their “shy dog” training, as I was extremely scared of other humans and living creatures besides dogs. After all, I never knew they existed before six months ago. Finally, after battling some medical issues and passing my training, I became adoptable at the end of October-- the last of all of my brothers and sisters. Thankfully, my future mom Amber started looking at that exact time, and I was the first dog that she saw in her search! I was pretty shy when I first saw her, but I tried to warm up to her over the course of her long visit with me. After all, she had to inquire specially for me, since I was in the Special Adoptables program. I rather like my adoption page:
Of course, you all know the rest of the story. My mom adopted me, and since then we’ve been quite the pair. I love spending all of my time sitting next to her or following after her footsteps. She’s learned that I quite like cheese and turkey, and I’ve learned that she hits the snooze button too much in the morning, when all I want to do is go outside after a long night. I have never made a mess purposefully in the house, though I do have an easily upset stomach. I have also picked up a few special tricks on my own, such as waiting to eat my dinner until my mom has hers too (even though she gives me mine before she even begins to make hers) and putting my paw over her paw when we’re sitting next to each other. (I’ve seen her boyfriend doing that, and I get jealous.)
At the end of the day, though, there’s nothing more that I like to do than curl up on my leopard pillow in the living room or on my bed in the bedroom (next to her bigger bed) and sleep, knowing that my mom is right next to me. I love her very much, and she loves me. I rather like this “living with a human” thing. I plan on keeping things like this…
With love,
PS: I eventually told my mom I posted this. She wasn't too mad, but I couldn't have any of her pie for Pi Day... She says it's because it's chocolate, but I disagree. ;)
"Walking the Dog" – Rufus Thomas