Readers have already had a taste of our new blogger who has agreed to take over Mondays from Amy....say hello to the Mysterious Munchkin! Check out her profile in the "Who We Are" section!
Hello from the BCM study room! It’s approximately 11:23pm, and I almost forgot about this blog… But I remembered! Woot! =D I hope you all have been having a good week- as usual, it’s been pretty crazy busy here… but fall break starts Thursday! Yay! I’m flying out to Colorado Springs early Thursday morning to see my brother’s new house and to help them move into it- I’m pretty excited about going out there again! My niece and nephews are so cute :) I still have two tests, a project, and way too much homework for three days to hold. It’s ok though- I’m actually feeling pretty good about it. The most surprising part of this past week has been the career-related things that have been happening- between information sessions and the IT Career Day Vandy had, I’ve been doing a lot of life thinking. The best thing to come from all of this has been the knowledge and support from God- I know that he is in this, and though I have no idea where I’ll be next year, I know God will be with me through everything. I just have to wait and see… =D As the week is still crazy busy, I’m leaving this blog short. However, here is a song that I think speaks volumes- please do listen to it, and know that every word is true for each of you. I don’t mean to be over-assuming, but I think almost every girl struggles with something about herself that just isn’t “right.” And it can be the hardest thing in the world to let go of that imperfection and realize that God made you that way for some reason, and he loves you in all of your flaws because to him, you are perfect. I love you guys. <3s and hugs… in everything and always. Three Cord Wonder- “Made Perfect” Hello from I just uploaded a video to our AdventureSaysHello YouTube channel!!! Last Friday Anna Beth, Rachael, Sara, and I filmed a response to Alex Day's survey and I finally got around to editing it. So check it out: I'll be editing the extra bits/bloopers sometime soon as well. So look forward to that :) Sorry no topic based blog from me. I thought about it, but I think we're about to go out adventuring soon. Maybe next week I'll have something interesting to say. (the video's enough for this week right? I spent enough of today working on it) But I'll leave you with some more videos and links to keep you entertained (cuz that's what I do) Since several of us have been stressed about school recently, I thought this may help to give you all a bit of a smile: And here's something to help you relax. Load all three sites at once. (stress relievers courtesy of KickthePJ) And for Pokemon lovers/science nerds/people that weren't overly found of digimon: click here I believe that's all I have for today. Love, Jill Hello from another topic-based blog. Inspired by our Mysterious Munchkin, I'm trying to do more blogs centered on an actual subject rather than just a recap of my week. However, there are a couple of interesting highlights to bring up. First of all, yesterday was our new mini-holiday, the 26th, signifying exactly 10 months until our road trip (Lord willing). Also, as I write this, Jill is working on editing a video response that we made for Alex Day's 2012 YouTube survey. Hopefully that will be uploaded at some point this week. Anyway, on to the fun... I was reading an essay by David Foster Wallace for my Creative Nonfiction Writing class recently, and I came across a passage in which he argued that advertisements could not be passed off as art. "An ad that pretends to be art is--at best--like somebody who smiles at you only because he wants something from you," says Wallace*. Now here's the part where I disagree. I think Mr. Wallace's generalization is a bit hasty. I know I've seen plenty of ads that struck me as artistic, regardless of their motives. According to Google, the definition of 'art' is "the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture." I don't know why, but I expected it to be trickier than that. In classes I've been in before, the teacher is always like blahblahblahblahit'shardtodefinewhatartactuallyisblahblah... But trust Google to give it to you plain and simple. (By the way, happy birthday, Google. 14 years old today.) Anyway, according to that definition, it doesn't matter what the intent of the piece is, as long it is creative expression. I don't know about you, but when I see an artistic advertisement, I'm relieved--not insulted--that not all commercials look like Insight Cable. You know what I mean? Granted, Wallace was talking more about an essay he read that was really just a sell-out endorsement of a cruise line. But if it's well-written and entertaining, does it really matter that it's trying to get you to spend your money on a luxury cruise? Here are some examples of ads that I consider artistic, regardless of intent: 1. These billboards/signs. I especially like the one at the beach, although I'm not sure what it's advertising. Also, the Denver Water billboard is not only advertising a company and looking pretty, it is also making a statement about living within your means. 2. The Coke ad that restores your faith in humanity. I'm sure you've all seen it. But really, do you think this is just "smiling at you because it wants something?" I think it's doing something a bit more noble than that. 2. Friskies "Adventureland" Commercial. Not as deep, but really pretty. When I went to see Pirates of the Caribbean 4 in 3D, this cat food commercial that aired before the movie was literally the best part of the 3D experience. Hands down. No contest. And you've got to admit, this is a really imaginative ad for cat chow. 4. Move/Eat/Learn videos for STA Travel. You probably already know that these videos are the most fantastical things I've ever seen and that I'm obsessed with them. You probably are, too. They are excellent ads. They do their job of making me want to see the world, but they're also a gorgeous celebration of the everythingness of the world. And that brings to mind another example of ads as art: 5. The Discovery Channel "Boomdeyada" commercial...Because "the world is just awesome!" Enjoy. And then, if you want to blur the lines of art and advertisement even more, what about movie posters? Are they part of the art? Are they mere marketing? Well...I think you know what my answer would be to that one.
Anyway, the point of this post isn't to slam down David Foster Wallace's point, by any means. There are circumstances in which people are just sell-outs. But there are also circumstances in which a one-minute commercial can be more artistic than a two-hour movie. It's all just a matter of how you look at things. So what do you guys think? Can advertisements be considered art? What are some of your favorite artistic ads? How do you define art, and does it even matter? Let me know in the comments! Love, Anna Beth *"Shipping Out," Harper's Magazine, January 1996, p. 43 Hello from t-minus 7 minutes to free pancakes!
I've been working on a project for Design Studio 1 for the past hour or so--thanks Anna Beth for letting me use your desk! This is my final drawing that I have to work takes a lot of concentration because the lines need to be sharp and clean and it's hard to do with sharpie.
Tops won again this past weekend to Southern Miss 42-17! This weekend I'll be traveling with the matching band to the Arkansas state football game. Wee! Have I told you all that I love my classes? Im super happy that I changed my major! Okay, I don't think I have any more pancakes!!! Rachael Hello from still too much to do. Why can’t I catch up on all this homework? I’ll tell you why- Reni. I’m already super bad about procrastinating, but it seems like any time I have a lot that I know I need to do, Reni picks then to come over and demand attention. Take yesterday. After dinner, I sit down on the couch for a few minutes (my first mistake), fully intending to get up and get to work. Then comes Reni, jumping over from the table and getting comfortable on my lap. And there he stays. For the next two hours. Of course, it’s mostly my fault. I should’ve made him get up so I could go do homework. But he’s just too cute! I know. I’m weak :/ But I’m working on it! He did eventually get up (on his own), so I did work on some of my homework. But I still have a ton to do today, so let’s get on to Questions. Most of these answers aren’t that great, but I don’t have time to come up with better ones. Sorry :(
Jill: What makes you think all old movies are moral and good? Movies are movies, they come in varieties. Well, we hear all the time about how the world is getting less concerned with preserving morals and ethics, and a lot of topics, like adultery and premarital sex and stuff, used to be waaaayyyy more frowned upon than they are now, so it seems to me like old movies should reflect that. But, no. What didn’t you like about The Three Musketeers? I dunno, I guess I just feel like cheating on one's spouse and things like that should have been less common in the past, and therefore not depicted positively in movies. That's not even a thing you see in current movies, and it irritated me (possibly because I saw the new one first, where there was no actual cheating). Plus, I think I've gotten so spoiled to the fancy camerawork and graphics in newer movies that I don't really like the old ones. Particularly the shoddy sound. It bugged me. Under what circumstances would you kill a person? If the person I was killing was trying to kill someone else. Though I’m not really sure I’d be able to do it. Hopefully I’ll never have to find that out. Anna Beth: What makes a movie “moral and good,” and can a movie be too moralistic? A movie is “moral and good” if it demonstrates that moral things are better than immoral ones... clearly, though, a movie can be too moralistic. Like, in one of my classes we've talked a little about morals in kids stories. If the moral is too explicit, then kids lose interest. There has to be a really good story to go with it for the audience to stay invested in the story and wanting to continue. The same goes for a movie. If the whole point is just, "don't cheat on your husband," or "don't kill people," then no one's going to be interested. I guess it's a matter of "show, don't tell"? The story has to be worthwhile on its own, without considering the moral implications, or else the audience (myself included) will just feel like they're being preached at and not enjoy the movie. What is your criteria for enjoying a movie? I guess that to enjoy a movie, the characters have to be round- realistic, dynamic, multi-faceted. They have to interest me, and I have to care about what happens to them. The story line also has to be interesting and understandable. Some predictability is ok- there are only so many plots available :P- but there should also be things that surprise me. And it has to make sense. I don't want to finish the movie and be left utterly perplexed at how we got from point A to point B. Overall, the movie should be generally enjoyable- funny, interesting, meaningful, stuff like that. What’s your favorite kind of doughnut? The kind with chocolate :D What makes a person approachable? Being open and friendly? I dunno, I tend not to approach people regardless of their approachability, so I’m probably not the right person to be asking. Suppose you get to choose your last words. What would you want them to be? I dunno. “Love you guys, bye”? Why did the writers of 7th Heaven give Lucy the only non-Biblical name? (All the other kids are Matt, Mary, Simon, Ruthie, Sam, and David) Maybe they meant for Lucy to be the one who went bad, when it actually ended up being… most of the rest of them (excepting Sam and David, who weren’t really old enough to have problems). Do you believe that out of billions of people in the world, there is one person you’re supposed to be with (romantically), or are there more options? Are there different people who could be “the one” at different points in your life, and it just depends on which one you find? This question makes me think about something Aslan says in Narnia a lot. Whenever someone asks about what could have been, he always says there’s no point in asking, because that road is closed now- there is only what did happen, and what will happen (paraphrasing). So maybe there are multiple people we could end up being with. Maybe it’s just a matter of what we choose to do when they enter our lives- whether we make the effort to make the relationship work, or whether we let it pass us by. Then we’ll never know what could have been, only what was. What is life going to be like after college? ...And how can we all delay that from happening? Well, life is going to be a lot less writing papers and complaining about the food on campus and decorating dorm rooms. Instead, it’ll be more writing memos and proposals for bosses (or whatever people do at real jobs…) and complaining about the food near work and decorating apartments and houses. I don’t think life after college is going to be as bad as you’re so bent on making it, Anna Beth. Just different- different responsibilities, different complaints, different happinesses (Word says that’s not a word, but oh well). But if you’re really so against the real world, all we can do is make the most of college while we have it, just like we’ll make the most of real life whenever we get there. Can a person be “in love” without their significant other being “the one?” In other words, I guess, can you be in love multiple times before finding the person you marry, or is “love” only applied to the person you end up with? I think you can be tentatively in love with a person without them being the one. I mean, the whole point of dating (at least to me) is seeing if you are in love with a person, and if you want to spend the rest of your life with him. While you’re dating, you’re getting to know each other and seeing if the other person could possibly be “the one.” By tentatively in love, I mean that, based on what you presently know about your significant other, you think that you could spend the rest of your life with him and have a happy life together. But then as your relationship continues, and you get to know each other more, maybe what you find out changes your mind and makes you realize that you wouldn’t be happy with each other, so you fall out of love. Really being in love means that the more you find out about each other, the more you want to be together- you never have that moment when you realize you can’t make each other happy. In a sentence or less, how do you define being “in love?” Being in love is wanting to spend the rest of your life with someone because you make each other happy and can’t imagine life apart. Or something. This one’s hard… What is your favorite piece of instrumental music? Bach’s Little Fugue in G Minor :D Without Googling it, what color do you think Champagne Latte is? Pink? Anna Beth wins this week. She had a lot of good questions that I wish I could’ve spent more time on. Maybe I’ll be more caught up next week? And while I’m dreaming, maybe I’ll have another three or four books read (didn’t finish any this week…). Anyway, hope your weeks are going well. Talk to ya later! Love, Sara Hello from Depressed, I know I had many things to blog about, but today has been an awful day. I got an 86 on my microbiology test and a 66 on my chemistry test. So I kind of don't feel like talking about all the interesting stuff that I said I would talk about like incest and video games and incest in video games...well actually now that I mention it...I do have this one video game with incest :p Let me tell you all a story. A story about a young vengeful sexy mute prince named Caim and his younger beautiful incestuous sister Furiae. Caim: Furiae: Okay so Caim lives in this horrible world with this mideval vibe. There is a war going on between the Union (the sort of good guys like Caim and companions) and the Empire (the bad guys like Caim's bff). Anyways in this world a person can make a pact with a powerful beast, but this pact does not come without a price. In the process of making such a pact, humans are branded with a pact emblem which appears on the part of their body associated with the price they pay. They either lose a physical attribute ( examples: voice, sight) or they can lose intangible attributes like one's joy or ability to age. Also the bonds that tie the human with the creature binds them in life and death. So if I pact bonded with a raccoon, and that raccoon got ran over by a car and died..I would too :(
Now before I get to the good stuff (incest) let me tell you about Caim's motley crew. Caim: He is the prince of the union. When he was younger, he saw his parents murdered by a black dragon from the Empire and since then has sworn revenge against the Empire and has hated dragons so it's kind of funny that he makes a pact with a dragon :P. One day when mortally wounded, Caim finds a dragon that is also about to die...since they both don't want to die they make a pact. The dragon is red and female and breathes fire and named Angelus. She hates humans too hahahaha. So in return for the pact, Caim lost his voice and got an emblem on his tongue. He also had a really sexy voice before he lost his voice so tis a shame. Furiae- The princess of the Union and Caim's lil sis. Really soft spoken and nice but burdened because she is the goddess that is protecting the world. She isn't aloud to have sex even though she is engaged to Inuart, Caim's best friend. She doesn't love Inuart. He is ugly and plays the harp and later turns evil because Furiae rejects him for her brother. She has incestuous feelings towards Caim (who wouldn't he is the only sexy man in this game) and Caim has feelings for her too (because she is the only non creepy girl in the game..well not as creepy compared to the other chicks). Caim ends up rejecting her though because if they consummate their feelings she will not be the goddess and the world will fall into chaos...but when he rejects her she stabs herself and dies and the world still falls into chaos soooo EPIC FAIL. Inuart- He is nice, sincere, madly in love with Furiae (his betrothed) and plays her songs on his harp, but he is jealous of Caim and ends up turning evil and making a pact with the same dragon that killed Caim's parents. Caim is pissed, but not to worry an evil possessed Furaie ends up killing him after he fails trying to bring her back to life....but not before he has sex with her dead body. Caim also travels with a crazy once loving but now psycho elf mother named Arioch who kills and eats children and gave up her womb to make a pact price with a water and fire beast (see what I mean by Furiae being less creepy), and blind pedophile named Leonard who gave up his sight to make a pact with a malicious fairy, and a creepy six year old boy named Seere who made a pact with a golem in exchange for his ability to age. So yes he will remain six forever, but not really cause he dies because some monster eats him. His twin sister Manah is the main bad guy..Yes a six year old is in charge of the Empire and causing chaos all over the world. Also Leonard likes Seere since you know he is a pedophile...and Arioch wants to eat Seere even if he lived I am pretty sure she would of eaten him anyways O_o So yeah this game has some very adult themes like questionable sexual orientations, pedophilia, incest, and cannibalism. The game is rated M for mature. So yes this is my video games with incest. The End. Hello from a lazy day… While I could have gone on the BCM retreat this weekend (grah…. wanted to go so badly…), I decided to be responsible and take the time to work on homework and catching-up in some classes and getting ahead in other classes. Plus, I slept 13 hours last night. I think I made a good decision, right? :) Following on that note, I haven’t been sleeping a lot recently… I have had to pull another few all nighters to get programs completed and am constantly going to sleep at 3 or later. Plus, grad school plans are beginning to be researched and explored, which also lends itself to a lot of time that I just haven’t had recently. As you can tell, life is beginning to creep up on me and take over… which leads to my apology for not being able to blog last week (no internet access). Victory went to Cincinnati to sing at our former general manager’s church! It was so much fun! =D First of all, Victory road trips are spent with tremendous amounts of playing games, talking about different Christian denominations, lots of singing, and the giving of many, many, many hugs. <3 I love Victory so much. Oh! Have you all ever heard of the game Contact? It’s where someone (the person who is “it”) thinks of a noun and then tells the other players what letter the word starts with. Next, the other players say a question about a possible word that begins with that initial letter. If someone else thinks of a possible word the question describes, they say, “Contact!” and then count to 10 with the question-asker. During this time, the person who is “it” can try saying, “No, it’s not ___”, and if they guess the word the players were describing, the players have to stop counting and try guessing another question. Otherwise, if the players get to 10 without the “it” person guessing the word, the two players say the word they were thinking of at the same time. If they were both thinking of the same word, the “it” person has to give the next letter of the word. The game continues from there… So suppose the word is “pickle.” The players will try to guess words beginning with a p, so someone could ask, “Is it a type of fruit?” Then if someone else thinks of the word pineapple, they say, “Contact,” and begin counting to 10 with the other person while the “it” person tries to guess any word that answers the question beginning with a p. If the two people counting say “pineapple” and “plum,” they don’t get another letter, but if they both said “plum,” they would get the next letter. Does that make sense? It’s a lot of fun- try it sometime if you haven’t :) I still haven’t had my first test in a class yet- but my first test is on Thursday (in Artificial Intelligence.) Please pray that it goes well :) Also, I want to say that I’m sorry that I haven’t been keeping up with you all’s blogs recently- I’m going to try to go through them soon on a study break because I miss reading them! It’s just been way too much homework recently… Love you guys! Here’s one of my favorite songs from recently… <3 Christina Perri- “Distance” Hello from the study room in Cherry Hall. I like this room. It has fun memories and usually no one is in here. It is a little strange though...
--------------------------------------- Ok well, I was in a fairly good mood when I wrote that first bit, but since then I've had a conversation on the phone with Amy who was lamenting about all the stuff we have to do to stand out and get into medical school because she just got out of a meeting with Dr. Smith. Suffice it to say I'm now in a pretty foul mood. Just another list to tac onto the never ending list of stuff to do. Ugh, I already have so much to do finish this weekend. I need a break. Let's just go into bliss land and forget the world exists for a bit, ok? Ok. --------------------------------------- Back to what I was saying: It's sorta strange being in here (I mean, not like strange strange since its just a study room) but the bright red sign outside the door that says you may only use this room if you are currently enrolled in an english class is a little off putting. I am currently in English 300 so I am completely allowed to be here, but what's the point of the sign? I don't think they go around checking people's schedules to make sure they're English students. And I've never seen this room so full of people that they need to limit who can use it (but maybe I'm just here at the wrong times). There are also religious and history classes that use Cherry Hall. Do they have their own study rooms? I don't think I've seen one--just faculty lounges. Hmmm, now I really want to go looking for other study rooms. Anyway, my point is why can't the sign say "for academic purposes only" or something? Am I the only one that thinks this? (not that it's anywhere near a huge deal or anything) Also, not that this is relevant, but I really wish the students could take back over the big log cabin next to Cherry. Students were the ones that originally built it for their recreational use, but it became a facility place once DUC was build since DUC had much nicer facilities for the students. But since DUC is currently being renovated.......I just think it would be cool to hang out in a log cabin. You know, it's also amusingly apparent that the Film Club definitely uses this English study room. The Blackboard is filled with the movie titles and dates they plan to screen them. Looks like the next one is going to be Reservoir Dogs. The names Tyler and Cody are next to it. I wonder if they're providing the movie or the food. Probably the movie. Also on the list are Raising Arizona, Evil Dead (my brother really likes that one), and Memento. Blood Sample's been crossed out. Guess it didn't make the cut. So Sara brought it to my attention (lovely lack of transitions there btw) that I hadn't been doing a video of the week (or link of the week or thing I like of the week or whatever it was). Weird how I just forgot about it. But I shall fix that now! I've been watching the Where the Hell is Matt 2012 video way too much recently. I thought I'd pick that one and the years that came before it. Oops, I gotta run to my English class now. I'll link the videos a little later. Love, Jill --------------- Update: Ok, I'm back to link the videos. If you only have the time to watch one, I'd definitely recommend the 2012 one. It's the best. So here are all (I'm pretty sure) the dance videos from the past 7 years. 2005 2006 2008 2012 <----- this one's my favorite Also, click HERE if you want to know a little bit more about Matt (the first 5 min.) and also there's some fun where he explains that it wasn't a hoax but he did do a funny speech where he jokingly claimed it was a hoax if you want to watch that too. If you're interested, there are also videos on YouTube of various speeches he's given on how he got people to dance, etc. I also just want to say I had lunch with Anna Beth and Sara, and we had an hour long argument about Shakespeare and translations. We are nerds and I love that. (Also Sara is wrong, but she is entitled to her own "stupid opinions" lol) Hello from America, where everyone is entitled to their own stupid opinions. A couple of nights ago, some pro-choice advocates armed with chalk took to the sidewalks at WKU, spreading messages like, "Get your rosaries off my ovaries!" and "Abortion WILL happen. Let's make it safe." This was obviously in response to last week's chalk rampage from the pro-life group, which spread statistics like "3,700 abortions happen each day in the US" and "A baby's heartbeat begins 18 days after conception." Now, I'm not really going to talk about how the pro-life group wrote pretty factual--albeit emotionally charged--messages, while the pro-choice group decided to get a little rude. I mean, "Get your rosaries off my ovaries?" Really? But whatever. Because, like I said, everyone is entitled to their own opinions. I don't have to like what you say, but that doesn't mean I should stop you from saying it. I do think there's a major double standard about that in our country right now. But whatever. I thought I'd chime in with a bit of logic, though, in response to "Abortion WILL happen...." Um, yes, it will. You're absolutely right: abortion will happen. So will rape, murder, and genocide. So will a number of horrible things. Just because it will happen doesn't mean it should. I don't think anyone is naive enough to believe that abortion can be obliterated completely. But that doesn't mean it should be encouraged. That being said, I don't hate whoever wrote that on the sidewalk. I think they're wrong. And I'm allowed to think they're wrong, just like they're allowed to write what they think is right. So if you'd like to discuss this issue further, leave a comment. But please be respectful and mature, realizing that discussions and arguments are not the same thing. Not that there's anything to worry about from you guys. I think you're all smart enough to know that. __________________________________________________________________ Due to the public outcry (ahem, Jill and Sara), and because it is a more bloggy thing to do, here's the second part, which I had originally posted in the Etc. section: Did you watch the video? Watch the video. Okay, now did you watch it? Good. THIS IS SO TRUE!!! Oh my gosh, they really hit the nail on the head. No wonder I have commitment issues. It's because I love fiction and fictional relationships so much! As Meg Turney said, "It's that illusion of extreme love and it ruins everyday, normal, run-of-the-mill relationships." Yep. No wonder the idea of dating just seems boring to me. I don't wanna be all cutesy, go to a movie, "You hang up" "No, you hang up," giggle-giggle. Blech! I want to go on adventures and, and-- What, you mean to tell me life's not like that? I mean, I know that TV and movies and books aren't real. But part of the power of fiction--good fiction--is that it makes you want something. It makes you yearn for something, or makes you see what you want life to be. I don't think there's anything wrong with that. I think that's good writing. And it should be no different when it comes to relationships. Love is not an illusion! Why settle for less than the ideal? Come on, ladies! We ought to have high standards. I know some of you will argue for the run-of-the-mill relationships. And I realize that if you're in love, it won't feel run-of-the-mill to you. But still. I don't want to fall in love with someone run-of-the-mill. I want an epic true love who will sweep me off my feet. And it can happen. Don't you dare tell me it can't. There are guys out there who are true romantics, who will kiss you in the rain, who will give you the big, dramatic moments. And the part where the video talked about girls who are really invested in fictional relationships being more drawn to singlehood? Yep, that's me. I love being single. When I was younger, I used to really want a boyfriend. But that was before I discovered how awesome my life is the way it is right now. I don't need a guy, and I certainly don't want one if he's going to be underwhelming. I'd rather end up a spinster than settle for less than true love. I'm sure true love isn't always like fiction. But it can be. These writers have to get their material from somewhere, don't they? Of course there's imagination and embellishment in the details, but there's also the emotion behind it. You can't tell me that the people who write such beautiful love stories have never felt love. Maybe their relationship didn't last, but they must've felt something. And I want to feel something. I don't want to date someone and ease into a comfortable affection for them. I want "earth-shattering Disney love!" Maybe I shouldn't be okay with the fact that fiction is ruining my love life. But I am SO okay with this. =) Please, discuss. Love, Anna Beth |
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