Ok well, I was in a fairly good mood when I wrote that first bit, but since then I've had a conversation on the phone with Amy who was lamenting about all the stuff we have to do to stand out and get into medical school because she just got out of a meeting with Dr. Smith. Suffice it to say I'm now in a pretty foul mood. Just another list to tac onto the never ending list of stuff to do. Ugh, I already have so much to do finish this weekend. I need a break.
Let's just go into bliss land and forget the world exists for a bit, ok? Ok.
Back to what I was saying:
It's sorta strange being in here (I mean, not like strange strange since its just a study room) but the bright red sign outside the door that says you may only use this room if you are currently enrolled in an english class is a little off putting. I am currently in English 300 so I am completely allowed to be here, but what's the point of the sign? I don't think they go around checking people's schedules to make sure they're English students. And I've never seen this room so full of people that they need to limit who can use it (but maybe I'm just here at the wrong times). There are also religious and history classes that use Cherry Hall. Do they have their own study rooms? I don't think I've seen one--just faculty lounges. Hmmm, now I really want to go looking for other study rooms. Anyway, my point is why can't the sign say "for academic purposes only" or something? Am I the only one that thinks this? (not that it's anywhere near a huge deal or anything)
Also, not that this is relevant, but I really wish the students could take back over the big log cabin next to Cherry. Students were the ones that originally built it for their recreational use, but it became a facility place once DUC was build since DUC had much nicer facilities for the students. But since DUC is currently being renovated.......I just think it would be cool to hang out in a log cabin.
You know, it's also amusingly apparent that the Film Club definitely uses this English study room. The Blackboard is filled with the movie titles and dates they plan to screen them. Looks like the next one is going to be Reservoir Dogs. The names Tyler and Cody are next to it. I wonder if they're providing the movie or the food. Probably the movie. Also on the list are Raising Arizona, Evil Dead (my brother really likes that one), and Memento. Blood Sample's been crossed out. Guess it didn't make the cut.
So Sara brought it to my attention (lovely lack of transitions there btw) that I hadn't been doing a video of the week (or link of the week or thing I like of the week or whatever it was). Weird how I just forgot about it. But I shall fix that now!
I've been watching the Where the Hell is Matt 2012 video way too much recently. I thought I'd pick that one and the years that came before it.
Oops, I gotta run to my English class now. I'll link the videos a little later.
Ok, I'm back to link the videos. If you only have the time to watch one, I'd definitely recommend the 2012 one. It's the best. So here are all (I'm pretty sure) the dance videos from the past 7 years.
2012 <----- this one's my favorite
Also, click HERE if you want to know a little bit more about Matt (the first 5 min.) and also there's some fun where he explains that it wasn't a hoax but he did do a funny speech where he jokingly claimed it was a hoax if you want to watch that too. If you're interested, there are also videos on YouTube of various speeches he's given on how he got people to dance, etc.
I also just want to say I had lunch with Anna Beth and Sara, and we had an hour long argument about Shakespeare and translations. We are nerds and I love that. (Also Sara is wrong, but she is entitled to her own "stupid opinions" lol)