Following on that note, I haven’t been sleeping a lot recently… I have had to pull another few all nighters to get programs completed and am constantly going to sleep at 3 or later. Plus, grad school plans are beginning to be researched and explored, which also lends itself to a lot of time that I just haven’t had recently. As you can tell, life is beginning to creep up on me and take over… which leads to my apology for not being able to blog last week (no internet access). Victory went to Cincinnati to sing at our former general manager’s church! It was so much fun! =D First of all, Victory road trips are spent with tremendous amounts of playing games, talking about different Christian denominations, lots of singing, and the giving of many, many, many hugs. <3 I love Victory so much.
Oh! Have you all ever heard of the game Contact? It’s where someone (the person who is “it”) thinks of a noun and then tells the other players what letter the word starts with. Next, the other players say a question about a possible word that begins with that initial letter. If someone else thinks of a possible word the question describes, they say, “Contact!” and then count to 10 with the question-asker. During this time, the person who is “it” can try saying, “No, it’s not ___”, and if they guess the word the players were describing, the players have to stop counting and try guessing another question. Otherwise, if the players get to 10 without the “it” person guessing the word, the two players say the word they were thinking of at the same time. If they were both thinking of the same word, the “it” person has to give the next letter of the word. The game continues from there… So suppose the word is “pickle.” The players will try to guess words beginning with a p, so someone could ask, “Is it a type of fruit?” Then if someone else thinks of the word pineapple, they say, “Contact,” and begin counting to 10 with the other person while the “it” person tries to guess any word that answers the question beginning with a p. If the two people counting say “pineapple” and “plum,” they don’t get another letter, but if they both said “plum,” they would get the next letter. Does that make sense? It’s a lot of fun- try it sometime if you haven’t :)
I still haven’t had my first test in a class yet- but my first test is on Thursday (in Artificial Intelligence.) Please pray that it goes well :) Also, I want to say that I’m sorry that I haven’t been keeping up with you all’s blogs recently- I’m going to try to go through them soon on a study break because I miss reading them! It’s just been way too much homework recently…
Love you guys! Here’s one of my favorite songs from recently… <3
Christina Perri- “Distance”