Today Jill, Rachael, and Anna Beth picked me up from the airport in Nashville. Before that I was in Dallas, and before that I was in L.A., and before that I was in Taiwan. The first thing I thought when I got off the plane in Nashville was, wow, i'm one of the only asians here.
Hello from the inside of my eyelids. That's right: I'm sleeping right now. But I'm typing a blog too. I'm just that talented.
Today Jill, Rachael, and Anna Beth picked me up from the airport in Nashville. Before that I was in Dallas, and before that I was in L.A., and before that I was in Taiwan. The first thing I thought when I got off the plane in Nashville was, wow, i'm one of the only asians here. Then we went to Arby's and I had my first meal back in America. It was ok, but I already miss the food in Taiwan. And the drinks! There was a tea shop on every corner, and there were so many flavors, even things that wouldn't sound good were delicious! Also, I have a new baby cousin! He's Lily's little brother and his name is Jackie. Guess what his last name is? That's right, it really is Chan. I'm related to Jackie Chan now! Anybody want an autograph? Anyway I tried to stay awake, but I can't. So I'm going to go back to being asleep now. It's good to be back. I misse
Hello from my lab in Taiwan. I'm really sorry for not keeping up with my blog for the last couple of weeks. It's been a little hectic with my project being changed, a presentation on said project, and a really weird Facebook stalker. I'm not actually going to go in detail on these topics for various reasons, such as I don't want to think about it and it's hard to explain over a blog especially for the last subject. Okay last last weekend, I went to Taipei again, but this time, i went with everyone in the group. I guess, I never introduced the people with me during this trip so i'll do a miniature introduction here.
Justin-ginger, nice, outgoing and smart. biochem major (ask anna beth) Eli- not ginger, nice, outgoing and smart too. biochem major( ask anna beth) Hillary- nice, strong personality. she knows very well what she wants and very straight forward. Chemistry major. Linda- gatton kid. nice, quiet, a little bit unclean. John- gatton kid. very unique and kinda scary. sorry for the lack of last names, i'm horrible at remembering names like you all know, so asking for last names is just too much. A summary of the trip, was that I had fun and we got to stay in a five star hotel for free, because one of the people in Hillary and Linda's lab had coupons or something like that. It was an excellent hotel and the best part of it was that we were able to use the hot spring that the hotel provided. From the rest of the group, I also heard that there was a swimming pool. I don't know for sure, because one of the things that I forgot to bring with me on this trip is a swimming suit. I was told by my lab mates that you have to have a swimming suit to go into the hot spring, so I didn't go to the public one, but stayed in my room. The bathroom was like a miniature hot spring though, they were somehow able to pump hot spring water up to the rooms. so i very happy. it turned out that the public hot springs were nude ones.... but everyone had fun. Eli and Justin even woke up early to use it again before we left. I really miss you guys and I wanna ta Hello from half way around the world, I don’t know if I’m late or early but its still Monday here. So I’ll start with a recap of what I did arriving in Taiwan. The travelling part of the trip was a total of 30 or so hours. That is from leaving home to arriving in Taichung, Taiwan. One of the people on the trip, Hillary, started a timer leaving her house to arriving and it was 32hrs, but she lived a bit further from Nashville. We arrive at the airport at 6:45 in the morning, when the only international airport in Taiwan was deserted. There was almost no one in the airport, besides the people who arrived with us. Right after the 14 hr flight we had to get onto a bus thing and drive for 2 hrs to reach our apartment. Upon arriving we are greeted by three of the students, all of which were extremely nice and helpful. They were Frank, Yang, and Kent. Kent and Yang helped us carry our luggage up four flights of stairs,(Sadly no elevator). The apartment was really nice. There were three bedrooms and two bathrooms, one kitchen, and a living room. It was all furnished and we even have a washing machine and a dryer. After seeing the apartment, we went to visit our labs and that was that for the first day of our trip. On Friday we woke up and went to the school at 8-9ish. I arrived early for my time, so Justin and I went around and visited the campus. We found chickens, goats, and cows. I went to lab later and shared my discovery with my lab mates and they were as surprised as I was. After facebooking until 5, I waited to go the night market with my lab mates. We didn’t leave until 7, but it was worth the wait. The streets were so crowded and lit; it was like Christmas or something. Sorry folks no pictures because I forgot my phone. I’ll try to get pictures next time. Saturday, they took me to a valley of something sort and the beach. Yes the beach, I can no longer use I have never been to the beach in ten fingers anymore, I have mixed feelings. I’ll get pictures soon, not now, but soon. Sunday, nothing really happened, we wondered around and that’s that. Monday was alright today, I still didn’t do much in lab, mostly facebook and stumbleupon, hopefully tomorrow will be better. I love you guys and I almost happy birthday Sarah!
hello from the first day of finals week. I just had my first final today, well not really, first final taken during finals week. It went alright (sweat drop)..... I hope, but luckily the class is over and I will never have to see a chickadee again(smile). Yesterday something bad and great happened. I'm going to just go into it and you guys can tell for yourself which is good and which is bad. Last night when I came back to minton, I saw Anna Beth (love). She stayed for about two hours, though it didn't feel like it. hopefully she will be coming back tomorrow, now Rachael has to jump on a plane and fly back to us right now, yes right this second as you read this blog, because I want you to know that I miss you and having all of us together again, I say as i'm days away from flying to taiwan. Oh and the other thing that happened yesterday was that my mom cancelled our texting service so hip hip hooray , just joking, this is the bad news, I will no longer receive text from people. People call me!!!! you guys need no excuse to hear my lovely voice, but for those who needs a excuse now you have one :).
I just realized that even though its finals week, I still have a lot of work to do, I wonder why???? I hope you guys aren't tired of me typing whatever that comes into my head in no order at all cause if you are, you can blame jill for that, she told me to. Friends, comrade, and students, we should get together..... I miss everyone! I literally have nothing to say anymore, I had lalalalalalala going on in my head for a couple minutes as i was trying to put my thoughts together, and I thought I would share that. Good Luck on exams and come see me if you can before I leave, because it will be for 10 whole weeks! ten whole weeks without Amy, i know some of you can't survive (jill(after all we have spend almost all our waking moments together for the past semester, so its understanding if she goes into withdrawal, if not for me at least for rice.) ) not naming anyone. Hello, from "insert something creative". Hi, everyone, i'm back. I want peanut butter. I decided to use Garfield as my mascot because we share a lot in common. Sara also has something that she has in common with him too :). In this situation I think both Garfield and I share a common hatred toward Mondays. It always brings so much stress and restless nights. On the bright side I learned to fold a butterfly with a single dollar bill. If anyone is interested here is a YouTube video. my goal is to do a some more orimoney and move up to doing a koi fish. and then this just kidding, but seriously that would be so cooolllll!!!!
Hello from the help support team, Amy is in maintenance right now due to error:063089. We will try to fix the problem within the week. Sorry for any inconvenience.
Hello from the miserable day called Monday. This is my second time writing this blog and because Monday exists to torture me, my blog just became ten times gloomier and more abrupt. Strange occurances that happened today. During Japanese Class, the sensei said have a nice weekend. Chinese class the professor didn't show up( we still had class because he got a student assistant to help). Living in a Roman city, the professor said see you Friday, which would not have been strange if the next day we met was not Wednesday and if we had class Friday. Overall Monday is a day of stress, confusing and burning popcorn. Another thing I want to address, Do you guys ever have strange wounds that you never notice acquiring? Like for example this strange J shape wound on the back of my hand. It's kinda bloody and mysterious, I was wondering if a i and some Ls will follow later to accomplish the strange stalker roommate ploy that i wasn't planning on but might start if it did happen. That's all for today cuz I suck and have to study for a test that I should have study for a long time ago, so I would have more time to do my blog and actually go over it. But this gives Sara and Anna beth something to do and correct :) (you don't have to!)
xxoo (I always wanted to try this) Hello from bliss, cuz I just had a strawberry. Does anyone else have a hard time thinking of Hello froms? I usually start on the blog a lot earlier but, I also get stuck on that for half an hour or more. I'll stare at the screen for the longest time, "cough manga cough". I was thinking about giving you guys a overview of this week, when I realized that today was Monday. Which means that there's not a lot of a week to talk about, so i'll just go over what I did since last Monday. Lets see, I don't really much, I see this as an sign of old age.... Okay, things that I do remember. I started a manga spanning over nineteen volume and continuing and now i'm up to the latest chapter after less than a week. I feel like i've achieved something. O and another achievement, i started Oregon trail on my phone last week and now i'm lvl 36 tada!!! School-wise, Jill labled shelbiber 's anatomy for anatomy and physiology last night while I did my Chinese homework. I just realized how much I hate Mondays, since i have to do a presentation every Monday and study for lab, japanese and read for living in a roman city. You ask why I don't do it earlier, cuz I don't have a week end!!!!!(Amy crying here), and starting earlier would is a horror (\ O /). these are not cute pictures added deliberately to take up space(=^ ^=).
AuthorsEach of us is assigned a certain day of the week to blog. Archives
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