I’ve spent the past couple of days working, which is why I didn’t realize I still needed to blog until about 8 p.m. I came home, and Reni sat in my lap, and you guys know it’s impossible to do anything with a kitty cat. And now I’m just rambling, so we’ll get on to the Questions:
Anna Beth:
Book question redone:
I think I prefer my loophole version better: all those compilations are still just one physical thing all bound together. Nevertheless, I guess I’ll fix the question according to your intended specifications:
1. Still the Bible.
2. I guess a dictionary. I’d thought about this with the original list, but then I knew I wouldn’t be able to have a dictionary from every language, so I was sad that I’d be leaving
out everything but English :(
3. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. No question, the world HAS TO HAVE MARK TWAIN IN IT!!!!!!! And this one’s my favorite, so there we go :)
4. Our world history textbook from AP World. This is to make up for the dictionary difficulties: the world may not be able to keep every language, but it can at least keep an
overview of the basic history of most of the countries.
5. Pride and Prejudice :)
6. The Fault in our Stars
7. Umm,… uhhh and 4 more classic books that the world couldn’t live without! Sorry. My brain is totally blanking.
What are your thoughts on Christian dating sites (like match.com, but specifically for Christians)? Random, I know, but I saw an ad and thought of
Well, I’m not a particular fan of dating sites in general. I feel like life is a much better way to meet your spouse than some random dating site. Christian sites, though, are at least more like the churches of the internet, so you’re more likely to be meeting the right kind of people to potentially have a relationship with (though just because he’s on a Christian site doesn’t necessarily mean he belongs there- anyone can make up a profile intending to take advantage of the other people on it).
Why do you think so many Christians marry so young? You know, how Christian colleges are known for the MRS degree and whatnot?
Umm. I’ve noticed this a lot, but I don’t really get why it happens either. Or have any insightful insights to give. Sorry...
What are your thoughts on the concepts of extended adolescence and the 5 milestones of adulthood? And what makes a person an adult in your opinion? Is extended adolescence really a problem? Etc, etc.
Well, the term “extended adolescence” is pretty new to me, but I feel like the concept is pretty
well-known today. You see a lot of TV shows and movies featuring people in the late 20s and even early 30s still living at home, relying on their parents, refusing to be responsible (example, Howard Walowitz on the Big Bang Theory :). I do feel like this is a problem. Depending on your parents while you’re in college preparing to get a job is one thing, but by the time you’re approaching 30, you’re running out of excuses. I’m not so sure about the 5 milestones of adulthood, though (moving out, finishing school, being financially independent,
marrying, having kids). Financial independence is one thing, but all the other “milestones” can be put off for reasons other than continued immaturity. You could have to live with your parents because they need to be taken care of, or you could be going back to school for your master’s or a higher degree, or you could choose not to get married/have kids. Aside from that, you don’t have to be an “adult” to have your own children, as the MTV show 16
and Pregnant has been eager to capitalize on. So I don’t really know that you can have specific milestones to determine when any individual has passed from adolescence into adulthood; that’s going to vary by each person’s unique goals and plans. Umm, I think that’s about covering most of your questions. Feel free to ask more if my answer isn’t enough, or give your own opinions!
If you end up marrying a Scotsman, would you let him wear a kilt to your
Do modern Scotsmen still wear kilts? Ever? And was it ever a thing for them to wear them for formal occasions? Because I don’t want to be mean or controlling or anything, but I would really rather my groom not be wearing a skirt to our wedding…
(can't remember if this one has been asked before): If you could live the life of any character from a movie or book, who's life would you choose?
I need to read more books with female protagonists…the first thing that comes to mind is Pride and Prejudice, but if I were Jane or Elizabeth I’d have to live in a time period without air
conditioning or modern medicine… and I don’t want to be Artemis Fowl, cause he’s a boy… all the female characters in John Green’s books die (at least, all the ones I can think of)… looks like I’ll have to go with Hermione. Oh, well, I’ll just have to be a brainiac witch who marries a Weasley… poor me… :D
Oh, and just so we’re clear, I pick book Hermione. Because the books are always better! (except when they’re not)
If you were a kind of dinosaur, what kind would you be? What kind of dinosaurs would the rest of us be?
A tri-sara-tops! :) And you would all be your favorite dinosaurs. I cannot currently remember what they are, though, so…
If you could only watch one YouTube channel for the rest of your life, which would you choose? (no crossovers)
I guess I’d pick the vlogbrothers. They update the most regularly, and I could still have 2 Youtubers (plus occasional visitors!) I would be very unhappy about this cruel turn of events,
Can I go to vidcon?
Yeah… totally… if you’ve got a couple hundred bucks and a time machine lying around. Now would be a good time to run across the doctor.
And the winner? Jill! And that’s all I have to say. Sorry, I feel like this blog is not so good this week… I’ll try to be better next week. Love you guys!