Anyway, this post is no longer timely, but it's always nice to smile, right?
Last week on Twitter, the hashtag #whyismile was trending.
[For our mothers, who don't understand Twitter: A hashtag ( # ) is a way of grouping similar posts (tweets)...You know...One does not simply explain Twitter.]
Yeah, so #whyismile. And there's not much of a point here, except that people were just mentioning the things that make them smile, and I liked that idea for a blog. So here you go:
the squeak of sneakers on a gym floor, reminding me of school in years past
the smoky aroma of autumn
the silky, fraying fibers of a hammock
that one photograph of me climbing up in Daddy's lap on the porch
when Momma and I start singing the same song unexpectedly
chocolate spread. on anything. in England.
rediscovering songs I forgot I used to love
a lot of songs, actually
lucky cats. glowing cats. all the cats.
when paint raises up off the canvas, not perfectly smooth
the bizarre thrill of an unrequited crush
the view from my window in a Paris hotel
lens flares
macaroni shaped like cartoon characters
quotes from fiction that make more sense than most things you hear in real life
inside jokes with myself
catching a reference that no one else gets
city lights at midnight, or just before dawn
cooking a meal with friends
doing my best thinking in the shower
sun beating down on my jeans and making them smell like ironing
rain, but only sometimes
the smell of rain, always
big, fat snowflakes sticking to my peacoat
and planes
and all those things that technically could fall from the sky,
but instead drift across the horizon,
as symbols of hope,
of possibilities,
of someday.
Shut up. It's not a poem. Yeah, you. Shut it. :P
A.B. ;)
P.S. Song of the week, yo!
P.P.S. Next Thursday, I get Question Thursday, but not if you don't ask me questions! Leave some preguntas in the comments, along with the reasons you smile. :)