babysitting and web series writing. But it was a good day, so I’m not complaining. We actually got a lot more scripted than we were hoping for, so now we only have one more episode to complete! Woohoo! Of course, after that we have to figure out who’s going to play the male lead… and the adults… but focusing on the positive, we’re almost done writing!!! And you know what else is awesome? The SOKY fair is in town!!!!!! I want to go so much, you guys!!! At this point, though, it looks like Jill’s being a bum and not wanting to spend the $10 for awesome friendship zipper fun time. But it’s going to happen! And I have work in the morning, so we’re moving on to Question Tuesday! Besides, I don’t want Weebly to get upset at me for excessive exclamation use…
Why do they say there's no "i" in communcation, when there's a second "i" still in the word? (referring to Brotherhood 2.0 intro)
I’d like to say that they were aware of the second“I” (at the very least, they were after they made the mistake) and were simply furthering the joke of the typo. But maybe they were
just inattentive twice. We may never know.
Do you have a happy dance?
To have a happy dance, I would have to react to happiness by dancing. And I don’t dance. So no.
Do you have a nerdfighter account? (In which case, we should be friends, as I became a nerdfighter way before watching the videos *shame, shame*)
I just tried searching for you there. You're not there! Why are you not there? (go be there!)
… I’m not sure what you’re talking about. There are a lot of nerdfighter related sites, none of which do I belong to.
Do you like bacon?
What are you currently reading, and are you liking it?
Well, I just finished reading Fahrenheit 451 for the nerdfighter book club, and it was pretty good- the ending was much better than most dystopias I read. Right now, I’m reading a book called Ivy by Julie Hearn. It’s set back in the 1800s in London, and it’s pretty interesting. The main character is a girl named Ivy who stands out because of her bright red, curly hair (like Meridah’s :). Her parents die when she’s three, so she goes to live with her awful criminal aunt and uncle, and the story follows her as a child and the events that lead up to her addiction to laudanum (opium) and currently she’s a teenager (16ish?) modeling for an artist. It’s not really like anything I’ve read recently, but I think I like it. I’ll reserve judgment until I see how it ends though…
Did you like/have a furby when you were little? What do you think about the new
I did, though I don’t remember doing very much with it. I just looked up the new one you were talking about, and it sounds…interesting. To me, it just seems like another proof that kids
have way to much technology. Like, for the new furby you can buy an app that lets you interact more with it and translate what it says. Kind of ridiculous.
If you lived in the world created by The Giver (one of my favorite, if not my absolute favorite, children's books), do you think that you could have gathered enough courage to leave the town? Would you have wanted to leave the town? Would you even think about leaving the town?
I’ve heard a lot about the Giver, but I’ve never actually read the book. So I’m afraid you’re asking the wrong person… anyone else can feel free to answer, though. Jill, you’ve read it, right? Care to answer Amber’s question for me?
Do you think 90's cartoons were really as awesome as we remember them to be, or is it just the nostalgia?
I think most 90’s cartoons were, in fact, better than current ones. I mean, animaniacs, rugrats, pokemon, sailor moon- they’re all so good, and I still like to watch them. I mean, there were
still some pretty dumb cartoons in the 90’s (catdog, spongebob- I know most people disagree with me, but my opinion is set), but the ratio of good to bad cartoons is waaaayyyy lower now that it was when we were growing up. To reinforce this opinion, I asked my parents what they thought, and they agreed with me- 90’s cartoons were just better. Well, technically my mom’s favorite cartoons are like, the Flintstones and stuff from before even she was born, but
she still agrees about the downward trend.
If could only have one meal for the rest of your life, what would you
Something yummy and including the proper proportions of all the food groups so “the rest of my life” would not be cut short by a heart attack or diabetes. And definitely something including chocolate. Like brownies. Yummmm. My mom makes yummy chicken marinated in
Italian dressing, served with veggies and macaroni and cheese. Maybe that?
Would you rather eat nothing but oatmeal for the rest of your life or [error 404: joke not found]
:D Expect Squirrels: A web series that has nothing to do with squirrels. Coming soon to a YouTube near you!
Would you rather eat a bacon flavored cupcake or cupcake flavored bacon?
Ewwww. So, by “flavored” do you mean that they each taste completely like the other, or that they each attempt to taste like the other but really taste nothing like either what they are or
what they’re flavored as? Because I’m in favor of whichever one tastes less like bacon.
If you could eliminate any word from the English language, what would it
I’d eliminate a bad word. Like “chores” or “work.”
What is(are) your favorite word(s) of any language?
You know that asking these questions is rendering me completely incapable of thinking of the desired words, right? All I can think of are phobias, like triskaidekaphobia and
hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia (which is so ridiculously awesome that Word
doesn’t even recognize it, in case you were curious :D). Phobias are pretty
cool. Not actually having them, of course, but the words themselves are fun to
say and sometimes have really amusing etymologies (the person who came up with
hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia, for example, had a really cruel sense of
If you could invent (or add) a new Olympic sport, what would it be?
Couch potatoing- who can sit lazily and watch the other Olympic sports for the longest.
K, sorry this one’s so much shorter than usual, guys, but I really don’t have time today… I’m also sorry that I probably won’t fix any of the formatting on this. Maybe I’ll go through and fix it later. Or one of you can :) Anyway, this week’s winner: Ambah! So much happy vlogbrothery-ness! Be sure to give me Questions! ¡Adios!