I was just playing around on my phone and thinking to myself how I'm glad Wednesday is over and going over the things I need to get done and then I remembered! I have to blog!
So, I really enjoyed Amber's birthday celebration and the adventures we had at the park, but hopefully some of those videos never see the light of day...or at least the internet. But I hope at least a few of them become real projects that we'll post on our channel! Speaking of our YouTube channel, we're getting ready to redesign it! With a new design, maybe that well help us launch the channel with better videos! We have so many plans...
Anyway, I checked my computer into the hospital the other day and hopeful WKU's IT will make it nice and functional again. Though I may not hear from them for another week or so.
Ummm...Go Tops!
We play UK this Saturday and I've been hearing that we're suppose to beat them...we'll see :)
The end!