Kindness, Selflessness, Compassion- my answer goes for all three of these: you can be too kind/selfless/compassionate from a selfish perspective, since thinking too much of others means not thinking of yourself and results in suffering/death for you (which could also be considered too much for the people to whom you’re being kind/selfless/compassionate, since if you’re dead you can’t be kind/selfless/compassionate to them anymore. Also, sometimes people would consider such actions as pitying and not want your kindness/selflessness/compassion, and so following through would be too much in their opinion).
Self-control- if we’re too much in control of ourselves, we’re not letting God be in control. “If God is your copilot, swap seats!” (That quote is from a flair I have. And flair is working again!!! Yay!!!). On a different note, if you’re always in control of yourself, then you can’t write off your mistakes and pretend they were on accident. Well, I guess you could, but people would be much less likely to buy it.
Parenthetical remarks- umm, yeah. Too many parentheses interrupt the flow and make the writing extremely confusing. Exhibit A: last Tuesday!
Playing dumb when a boy likes you- having used this strategy myself in quite a lot of instances, I am certainly of the opinion that it has its merits, whether you like the boy who might like you or the contrary. If the first is true, there’s always the possibility that your own feelings are fueling your perception, so I feel like it’s best to play it safe and not do anything unless he overtly admits to his feelings. In the opposite case, pretending to misinterpret a boy’s repeated advances could make him realize that you do not reciprocate, thus avoiding an awkward refusal. Of course, a lot of the time such a boy will go on and confess his feelings anyway, necessitating the aforementioned awkward refusal. But it was worth a try, right?
Hunger Games tribute- oh dear. I don’t think I would do well at all as a Hunger Games tribute. Since I can’t hunt, gather, fight, or defend, it would pretty much be just a matter of time (and probably not very much of it) before I fell victim to some murder-crazed Career. That being said, it’s not like I would just give up. I would probably spend my training learning basic survival stuff- food, water, shelter- and maybe attempting some defense strategies. Then my main strategy would be to hide and hope that maybe the other 23 competitors would kill each other off without my interference? (Hah! Like the Controllers would allow that…). From the stand point of someone who hasn’t grown up with the inevitability of the Games every year, I would be opposed to actually killing anyone except in defense, and I’m not sure I could even manage it then (morally OR physically. The “frailty” of which Dwain is so fond of talking would probably become much more fitting in such circumstances). So, yeah, don’t bet on me…