Part 1: Life, Part 2: Highlights, Part 3: Books, Part 4: Music
I realize this is insanely John-Green-of-Vlogbrothers-fame-organized, but I just spent the past week reading every single one of his published works (with the exception of Let It Snow, the holiday romance compilation- that’ll have to wait till winter ;). Thus, I think if ever a blog organized in this fashion were to be written by me, it’d be now. So… Go.
Part 1: Life. As you all know, for pretty much the past year and a half I’ve been planning on graduating next year with a double major in math and computer science. Ambitious: yes. Doable: yes. Actually going to be completed: if not completely, then partially. Let me explain: I took my past 10 week internship in order to get an idea of what I could possibly be doing in a year/after grad school, and for the most part, I enjoyed it. I found it great that I was able to develop an application that is really needed and that I hope will be used for a long time. I liked having mostly free reign over the application, shaping it to meet their needs and then revising that vision when it changed halfway into the internship. I also especially liked my paycheck. ;)
So what’s the problem?
It was good, yes. But just good. Not a resounding “This is some version of what I want to do for the rest of my life.” Which, if I’ll be honest, I can’t expect that much of an indication from it, but I did realize I’m not sure if I want that type of a job. A simple 8-5 desk job where I sit behind a computer, occasionally broken up by (mostly) boring meetings. I want to be active in my work, interacting with people, not just computers. Or at least I want to be behind a computer in an interesting location, like my home or a coffee shop or anywhere with wireless internet access. I know I can have a job like that in this field, and that desire, along with my honest enjoyment of computers, is what will keep me working toward completing my majors in the 3 (self-)allotted years. Still, if I ask myself if I envision myself working this kind of job for the rest of my life, the answer is no.
So I’m searching. Inspired by one of Shelby’s posts in her other blog, I’m looking for the job that will “engage me in adventure every day.” It could involve computers, and maybe I’ll find that niche in computer science next semester in one of my classes (I’m holding out for studio recording), or maybe it will be in something entirely different (Believe it or not, I’m currently looking into what it takes to become an editor). Regardless, what’s important is that God knows what my future job will be, and I’m sure I will love it! All I need to do now is look around and wait for him to reveal his plan, little by little. Whatever it is, I know that God will guide me toward my future. So we’ll see :) (I’m still taking the GRE next Friday btw)
Part 2: Highlights. Guys, I’m getting highlights. (In case you didn’t already notice, the next couple of parts drop pretty far off of the life-importance scale- But, hey, you can’t always be struggling with the big questions). My only problem: Should I get blonde highlights again or go for auburn? I’m leaning toward blonde, but only because I can’t find any pictures online of auburn highlights in curly hair that I particularly like lol :) Also, I feel like my hair color has muted significantly… It’s just so… mousy. Ugh.
Part 3: Books. Oh, my goodness. So much reading!! I’m excited for Sara to continue working on her 30 books by New Year’s Eve challenge because I want her to read Paper Towns! (That’s a terrible reason… but I’m still holding out hope that by that time, she won’t be too exhausted… ;) I pretty much spent the last week (after enjoying TFiOS) reading Looking for Alaska, Paper Towns, An Abundance of Katherines, and now Will Grayson, Will Grayson. Needless to say, I now really appreciate John Green as an author, and Paper Towns surprised me by being my favorite of his works. (My ranking: Paper Towns, Looking for Alaska, TFiOS, An Abundance of Katherines) Surprisingly, Paper Towns is also now one of my favorite books of all time. Have any of you all read it? (If not, you should!) What were your thoughts?
(Extra note: All of the reading happened and none of the 50 facts video-editing happened… Soon, though. I’m aiming for before I go back to Vandy on Friday, but it’ll have to be between the GRE prep- for which I’m counting all of the reading ;)
Part 4: Music. I’m really glad you all enjoyed Imagine Dragons last week! I’ve been listening to more of their singles, and if you haven’t heard it, you should also check out their other song “It’s Time.” :)
Following along the same line of discovery, I once again heard another amazing song off of a NBC promo (I really like whoever’s in charge of music over there), and now I’m going through where they list all of their music selections. (Sadly, not all of the full tracks are available online anywhere, but my iTunes account is likely to be debited soon… lol) Anyway, I hope you all enjoy, not just one, but two songs this week :) Here’s the song that I heard off of (yet another) NBC promo… I don’t have too much to say about it, actually. It’s just one of those songs that, for me, speaks for itself.
Dave Thomas Junior- “Run Forever”
Ingrid Michaelson- “Parachute”