cramming in as much reading as I could manage. And I am happy to say these efforts have not been for naught (heehee)- in the past week I’ve read, not 1, not 2, but 6 books! That’s right, nearly 1 a day! That puts me up to 8 total, and I’ll be posting review-y things over in the Etc. section once I’m done here. I should be able to get at least to 10 before the semester starts, but I’m hoping to make it to 15- that’d put me at the halfway point, which would be really helpful, considering how limited my reading time will be with classes and homework and stuff to work on. The past week hasn’t just been about reading, though- Anna Beth and I also got to have dinner with Shelby on Saturday, when she passed through on her way back to Asbury! We went to Pizza Hut (surprised?) and got to catch up and hang out for a little while before she had to head back to school. I can’t really think of much else to tell you guys. Enjoy the last of your summer! Unless you’re back already (I can’t remember whether anyone’s classes have started yet…), in which case, good luck with the new semester! And now it’s time to have some Questions:
What is your favorite word in the English language (and why)? (could be because of meaning or pronunciation)
What is your favorite word from any language other than English (or sign)? Since you said you know at least one word from 10-ish languages.
I like the sign for sweetheart- it’s adorable :) But I don’t know if it’s my favorite ever- there are probably millions of words. Why do people keep making me pick just one?
Is there anything you might maybe want me to get you from Harry Potter World? (yes I’m thinking about maybe being nice to you for a change :P)
Lol. Well, I’ve never been to Harry Potter World, so I don’t really know what to ask for. Though, if you come upon any yummy (particularly chocolaty) sweets, I certainly wouldn’t be opposed :P
Would you have a diet of only bananas for a week if you could spend a day with the doctor?
A whole week for just one day? I feel like I might die before I ever got to have my Doctor Day :/ Seriously, can you live off of just bananas? Or is this another of your let’s-kill-off-Sara
Are there any foods you enjoy the smell of but not the taste (bacon, coffee, crab
I don’t know about crab legs, but I do like the way bacon and coffee smell, despite how disgusting they taste.
If you had to be on a reality show (not including big brother since I know you like that one) what would you choose?
Aw, you totally just excluded the only one I wouldn’t have minded picking! By reality show, though, are we talking about only the Big Brother type things where a bunch of people are in a confined space together and compete or something? Or do, like, game shows and things factor in? I’d be happy to go on Who Wants to be a Millionaire? or Are You Smarter than a Fifth Grader? or something like that, but I have a feeling those don’t count. Which means I’m kind of stuck. The only other thing I can think of is Survivor, and I definitely don’t want to be on that show! I’d probably be dead within a week…
Also, have you seen Bananajamana’s latest video where she paints PJ? Isn’t it awesome? Also I have the song stuck in my head. Help?
Yes! Wow, she’s brilliant. As for the song, you’re on your own. Though I’ve been singing “Onward Christian Soldiers” since Sunday-you want that one?
What’s worse: sunburn or poison ivy?
I don’t know if I’ve ever had poison ivy, but from what I’ve heard it’s pretty nasty. Sunburn is painful, but it’s at least confined to the area that got too much sun, and it usually heals pretty quickly, depending on how severe it is. Poison ivy, on the other hand, can spread to other places really easily, and I feel like it lasts for awhile too. So I think I’ll stick with my sunburns- poison ivy is probably way worse.
Clowns: terrifying or fun for children’s parties?
Neither, in my opinion. They’re just kind of boring.
P.S.- I actually just watched KickThePJ’s video about hating birthday parties, and one thing he mentioned was how awful clowns are, and how 0% of kids like them (a statistic he found on the internet). Just thought I’d throw that in there :)
Jill’s brother:
What’s the cube root of your favorite number (to the nearest thousandth if need be)?
Blech. I was tempted just to say my favorite number was 8 so I could have an easy answer… In fact, though, the cubed root of my favorite number is 1.913. Now- what’s my favorite number?
Out of a random sample of 5 strands, what is the average length of your hair?
Strand 1- 16 in
Strand 2- 13 in
Strand 3- 9 in
Strand 4- 18 in
Strand 5- 16 in
Resulting average- 14.4 in
Jill’s mom:
Can you watch too much YouTube? (I have no idea what that question stems from… *cough*)
Absolutely! Exhibit A- Jill. It’s kinda fun getting Questions from your family, Jill :D
And those are all the Questions we have this week! Winner? Jill…’s brother! The hair question was random and amusing. And I’m sure he will be extremely proud of this honorable honor I have bestowed upon him. Have a good week, everybody! And, you know, if you want to beat Jill’s brother, you could spend part of that week coming up with Questions for me! Just a thought.