So, last week, like I said, was finals week. All my finals went fine, and all my grades are in, so I am now free to enjoy my summer! Last Tuesday night was the last time I got to see all my fencing friends. We had a movie night at our Coach, Daniel’s house. We got to watch weird sword fighting movies and meet our other Coach, Stephen’s almost two-year-old daughter, who is adorable. Then we picked up Amber for an epic Minton sleepover! Even though I
had a final the next morning, I ended up staying up until some time after 4. At least I didn’t have to be up until 8 like Jill and Amy, though, who decided to wait until the sleepover to write a ten page paper due the next day. Even I’m not that bad about procrastinating…
Then, Wednesday, after my final final, ( :D) Sherby drove up to Bowling Green, and Anna Beth and I went with her to Tullahoma! If you haven’t already guessed from the blog posts and Facebook pictures, we had a lot of fun. We made yummy milkshakes, went to see the Hunger Games again, and had Jesus time out on the back porch. We also caught a firefly, which pooped on Anna Beth before it flew away. And we played the card game Hand and Foot, and I almost beat Shelby, but then I didn’t :(. Jill and Amy joined us Friday after Amy’s last final,
and I think Jill’s blog did a good job of showing you the fun time we had “punishing” AB, Amy, and Shelby for their missing posts. I’ll never think of Seneca Crane and his beard in quite the same way again… Aside from that, we also watched Scream 4 and told amusing bedtime stories where Amy married Batman. Sleepovers are fun.
Saturday, though, it was time to say goodbye to Shelby. We ate at Red Robin and drove her to the Nashville Airport (fitting all our stuff into Sadie was an adventure in and of itself, but we managed. I think someone has pictures of that…). And now Shelby’s in Haiti! Hopefully the next three months are going to be awesome for her, and I can’t wait to hear all the stories she’ll have to tell us!
Anyways, after we dropped off Shelby, we went to Rivergate Mall for a bit. Apparently they have a new policy where kids under 18 have to be accompanied by adults after 6 on Fridays and Saturdays, so we got carded on our way out. That was an interesting experience…
And now I’m back in Bowling Green and enjoying my summer break! I love sleeping in and teasing my brother and sister for having homework! So that’s my fun week. Now it’s time for more fun: Question Tuesday!
Why didn't Ariel (from The Little Mermaid) just write what she wanted to say?
You remember when we read Kite Runner senior year, and Amir writes a story about a man whose tears turn to pearls or something, so by the end he’s killed all the people he loves and is weeping bitterly: rich but alone. Then Hassan pointed out that he could’ve just cut up onions if he wanted to cry, so Amir discovered one of writing’s pitfalls: the Plot Hole.
This is one of those. Ariel could have easily solved the problem of her loss of voice, but that would have defeated the entire purpose of the movie, so this potential solution was conveniently ignored in favor of the much more adorable one where Prince Eric had to guess her name and fall in love with her without any words being necessary. And now I want to go watch the movie again. Disney movies just never get old :)
Are you prepared for the zombie apocalypse?
I highly doubt it. If a zombie apocalypse anything like any of the movies/books/tv shows ever actually happened, I’d be pretty doomed.
Concerning the zombie apocalypse:
How would you try to survive: making a secure base, living on the run, or try to form a gang and keep a certain small city area under control?
I definitely wouldn’t want to live on the run. I’d probably consider the city idea to be the best one. If you can keep all the zombies out of a city area, it should give plenty of space for people to live, and hopefully everyone won’t have to stay up in terror every night of a zombie breaking through the window.
Other than any weapons, what would you bring if you had to leave your house quickly that can fit in a backpack?
Well, food, water, clothes, and first aid supplies would probably be important. I’d probably also want to keep a pad of paper and a pen or something on me. And a cell phone or walky talky or something to communicate with people. Cause hopefully I’m not all alone in the zombie apocalypse...
Weapon of choice?
Probably a really long sword or something, so I wouldn’t have to worry about running out of ammunition, but I still wouldn’t have to get all that close to anything that was attacking me. Like a machete! That would probably help a lot with beheading zombies and stuff.
Do you plan to get a summer job? If so, where would be like to be hired at?
If all works out, I have a summer job JI’m babysitting a girl at our church this summer.
What are the foods you want to try, but haven't yet? Do you think you'll try some new food when we go on our road trip?
I don’t feel like there are any specific foods that I want to try. I’ll probably try new foods, if they seem appetizing enough/I get hungry enough, but there’s nothing I really want to seek out.
What's your favorite article of clothing?
Well, I have this one grey striped shirt that I really like. I don’t really know though.
Is an object that has had all its component parts replaced still fundamentally the same object? (For example: You are given a car for your 16th birthday and you absolutely love this car. You even name it David. You want this car to live forever, so you make a conscious decision to replace every single component part when that part is just half-way through its usable life. So gradually everything gets replaced: tires, engine, seats, etc. And every time you replace a part, you store the old one in your garage [cuz you know, its not bad or anything and it'd be a waste to throw it out. you think you might sell them later or something]. Anyway, a few years down the line, every part has been replaced and you now have a car's worth of parts in your garage. So, you randomly decided you might as well build another car. You have all the parts, why not? When you finish, you look over at the two cars you now own. But which one is the real David? Is it the one that has grown and changed over time along with you? Or is it the one that consists of all the original parts that once made up David? [or are you just annoyed that I gave you a long standing paradox as a question?])
For one thing, I would never do that with a car. I’m not quite so sentimental when it comes to vehicles, and I wouldn’t know where to begin with replacing parts anyway. But, assuming something similar did happen, I would think that the car you still drive (and not the one made up of all the used parts) is the real David. The purpose of a car, after all, is to transport you, not to sit in the garage and do nothing but be ogled at and cleaned a lot (though I suppose there are a lot of guys who would disagree with me on this point). So the car that is still being utilized and fulfilling its purpose is the one, in my opinion, that is really David. Obviously this is a paradox, so you can make arguments for either side. Feel free to disagree with me in the
comments. Cause disagreeing comments are still comments, after all.
and one Amy were talking about at lunch today: Do you think you've already met the person you're going to spend the rest of your life with, even if it was just a very brief meeting?
Judging from my current experience, I don’t really think so. This is probably mostly because I want the mystery to be over once I meet him, though, and not very indicative of actual probabilities. If I already know him, and I just don’t know it yet, then that’s just irritating…
If you had to get a new haircut, what would it look like? (Not that I want you to change it- I love yours!) Bonus Amber points if you draw a picture of yourself in Paint or somewhere else...
I’m not very good at style stuff. Fashion, interior design, hair, I just don’t know anything! (Just ask Jill, who had to explain to me the difference between halter and strapless at the mall over the weekend…) So, I don’t really know. I wouldn’t want to cut it really short, but I don’t
really know how I could change the haircut for long hair either. I guess I could change my bangs? The side thing is cool, though that would be more a matter of growing out than cutting.
Sorry, Ambah, no points for me…
If you couldn't get a job as a teacher, what other job could you see yourself doing?
Is working in a daycare too close to teaching to count? I think that would be a fun job :)
Also, when I started taking Spanish in high school, I thought for a little while about how cool it would be to be some kind of translator. I think that was mostly because it would give me an excuse to study language more and go to cool places.
And I guess this doesn’t really count as a job, but I would be ok with just being a student for the rest of forever. There are so many interesting things I want to learn about, and there’s no way I’ll be able to fit it all into the next two years before I graduate!
Dogs or cats? (If you didn't have Reiny to bias you)
Even without Renias a bias, the answer is still, undoubtedly, cats. They’re adorable and small and love to cuddle and be cute :) Dogs are sometimes small and cute and cuddly, but, in my
experience, they aren’t as soft as cats. They’re also more slobbery and dirty, and I think they smell. Not that I don’t still like dogs (some of them, at least), but cats are definitely my favorite.
What's your favorite Disney princess? =D
Probably Jasmine. She’s a funny one J Or maybe Ariel? I really like both of them.
Jill again:
Is crying a sign or weakness or strength?
I don’t think crying has anything to do with how strong or weak a person is. True, you can cry for good reasons (like for an extremely emotional event in your life) or bad reasons (like to manipulate people into feeling bad for you). But everyone cries, weak or strong. If you cry at a loved one’s funeral, that doesn’t mean you are too weak to refrain, and it doesn’t mean you are strong enough to admit your feelings. It just means you are reacting in your own way to what is going on. I know some people look on crying as a weakness, and I haven’t really heard much in the way of calling it a strength. I’m sure you could make arguments for both, but I don’t really see it as related.
I’m gonna relate this to teaching, just because I can. Teachers have to make a lot of judgments about their students, and they have to be especially careful when making judgments relating to personality and character traits. It is really easy to make invalid or unreliable judgments by
considering too little evidence, and then get stuck in that opinion and refusing to factor in contradictory information that comes up later. One thing teachers (and people in general, I suppose) have to be careful about is attributing an external behavior too quickly with an internal characteristic. For example, you could see Johnny push Tim on the playground on the first day of school and automatically label him as a bully, instead of considering whether maybe Johnny was provoked, or whether it was an accident or a joke. Likewise, I think it’s really easy to see someone crying and attribute that isolated incident as a weakness, or a strength, or an indicator of some other internal trait, when all it really is is a person crying. You have to know all the facts and understand the cause of a person’s actions before you can accurately judge what external behaviors indicate regarding internal feelings and characteristics.
Why, despite most of us being out of school, are there so few comments
That is a very good question, and I would be most interested in finding the answer. It makes me sad that no one is talking to anyone :(
Would you break the law to save a loved one?
I’d have to have a specific situation to know. Like, am I saving this loved one from death, or from imprisonment, or torture, or homework? Is the person innocent or being wrongly accused, or has the person’s actions led to the thing from which he/she needs to be saved? What law exactly would I need to break? Would it be easy to break this law, or would it be hard for me even to figure out what to do?
Sorry. I know that’s not the answer you wanted, but I’m no good at answering general questions! I overanalyze things way too much…
Can there be too many storylines?
Yes. Too many storylines get mixed up with each other and become extremely confusing for the reader to try and follow, thus taking away from the overall understanding and enjoyment of the work.
What do you sometimes pretend you understand but really don't?
Probably lots of things, I just can’t think of any at the moment.
Will you ask everyone else a question that they can then answer on their blogs (if they want)?
You know, I think I tried this back last month- asking a discussion question that everyone could talk about if they wanted- and NO ONE WANTED TO ANSWER IT! Which was sad :(
I think I’ve also pointed out that there’s a reason I answer questions instead of coming up with them (I can’t think of any good questions!!!!!!), but since you asked so nicely, I’ll give it a try. I know at least Jill will want to answer it (and if she doesn’t, then I guess there’s just no hope for me…). So, question for you guys: what are you most looking forward to about our road trip plan for next summer? It can be a place, or an experience, or anything you want. Just tell me what you’re most excited about.
And that’s all the questions we have for today! Lol, this is almost 5 pages in Word. But like I said, I have no apologies. This week’s
Question Tuesday winner is Jill! Yay Jill! So please leave me comments and
questions. I want to talk to you guys!!!
Love you!