Sara's just staring off into space now, all introspectively. Oh, now she's turned her attention back to the book. Jill is perusing the book stack I have on my desk from the library. She was going to pick up Anna and the French Kiss (I have been assured by Nerdfighteria that it is a better book than the title lets on), but she got temporarily distracted by Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman. Nope, she has chosen the former.
This whole situation is particularly amusing to me because neither Jill nor Sara has any idea that their actions are being observed and recorded.
But now they're just reading, so I have nothing more to write about. Sigh...
Well, now Jill's messing with her eyebrow, as usual. I think I'll throw the spiky poop ball at her. If you don't know what that is, don't fear. It is not really a ball of poop. On the contrary, it's a spiky rubber ball from the claw machine at Amy's restaurant...where we happened to eat tonight with Sanaa, because SANAA'S BAAAAAAAAAACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sadly, Amy was not there at her own restaurant, because there is no Amy in America. (We miss you, Amy! How about skyping on Wednesday?)
I wonder if Jill has gotten to the part in the book about the hamster, or some kind of pet rodent, named Captain Jack. It's pretty early in the book, but it was the point at which I decided I liked the protagonist. Though I still don't know if Captain Jack is referring to Sparrow or Harkness. Either way, I like it. Ooh, or it could be a reference to the Billy Joel song. If so, I continue to approve.
Anyway, enough about hamsters. Jill is turning the page. She caught me glancing at her and asked, "What?" And yet, she has no idea what I'm writing. (Insert maniacal laughter here)
Now where was I? Ah yes, the spiky poop ball. Well, Jill has stopped fiddling with her eyebrow--OH, I spoke too soon. In that case.......
She's onto me. They both are. They're inquiring about my blog. Aaaand...Jill just lost my place in the book. Oh well, I wasn't too far anyway. Sara is still contentedly reading, and Jill has acquired one of my giant pillows.
And now they know what I've been doing. Oh well, that was fun while it lasted.
Well, what else can I say? This week so far I've done a little bit of work on the web series, including creating a new Weebly site for it. I find it amusing that Weebly doesn't recognize Weebly as a word. But, as Jill has pointed out, it also doesn't allow excessive exclamation points. Picky, picky...
OHHH, I KNOW! THERE WAS A BABY TINY ORANGE KITTEN that showed up in my yard this morning!!! Our adopted stray cat, Tink, ran it off into a shed in the woods, but maybe it will come back. IT was SO CUUUUUUUTE!!! I hope it comes back to love us and live here togetherrrrr! If it stays around I've already called dibs on naming it, since my parents have named every other cat we've had except Sally. So, my kitten will be named Jumper if it's a girl or Moffie if it's a boy. Maybe. I also like the name Toby, and Jubilee, and Jam, and several others...and they all remind me of British people/things and I get the warm fuzzies inside! But who knows if the kitten will ever
Now Jill, Sara, and I are discussing syntax and holding hands. Now I think they're going to demonstrate. Yep, yep. Oh, the way they imagined the outcome of the sentence (in the book Jill's reading) is a lot more possible than my version. Bravo, logic.
Wow. Okay, how did such a convoluted blog post get this long? I really like the word 'convoluted.' I like a lot of words, just the way they sound, you know? Like 'propitiate' and 'deduce' and 'proclivity' and 'propensity.' And 'harmonious' and 'diatribe' and 'civility.' And I like the way certain words are said in certain accents. Like the way the British say 'jaguar'...especially when Benedict Cumberbatch says it (he's done voice-overs for Jaguar car adverts...I like that they say 'adverts' in Britain rather than 'commercials'). And I really like the word 'chuffed,' which is a British slang term meaning pleased or happy. Hey you guys: what are some of your favorite words? Let me know in the comments!
And just for an extra dose of randomnesThis song! Annoyed yet, Rocko---I mean Jill?