Anna Beth and I just watched the latest episode of Downton Abbey. Rachael ran into the room because we were kind of screaming. Yeah.
So, Question Sunday!
Why can't I think of any good questions to ask?
Because you aren’t trying hard enough.
If you could decorate the inside of the TARDIS, what would you want it to look like?
I kinda liked what I saw of the latest TARDIS redesign actually. I think I’d pick that.
Why is there always so much to do on Sundays?
Because procrastination is a thing.
Do you have any theories on what's up with Oswin?
Nope. I eagerly await further exploring her story.
What's your favorite vlogbrothers satellite project (LBD, crashcourse, brainscoop, scishow, etc.) and why?
Well, it was crashcourse, but then the brainscoop was a thing and I just can’t say no to that after the wolf dissection. It’s so cool! And Emily is hilarious.
Anna Beth
Explain your interpretation of the scale from "crush" to "love." Where do "feelings" come in? What do you think are the qualifications for being "in love" with a person?
Well, “crush” and “love” are pretty far from each other on the scale. I think “feelings” come somewhere between crush and love (yay vague answers). To me, a “crush” is different from any other classification in that with a crush you don’t really know the person very much and you fill in the gaps with an idealized version of what you do know about that person. Feelings can start to develop once you start to get to know the person more, and eventually love can develop. Like you can’t say you have anything more than a crush on Benedict Cumberbatch (and you certainly don’t “love” him in the way you keep going on about) because you’ve never even met the guy. :P
And to clarify (because I think I missed something), if you were to have a crush on a friend you’ve known for years that you think you know quite well, perhaps that would be better classified as having developed feelings for that person (in a vain effort to make my last definition work, lol).
And I have no idea what the qualifications for being in love with a person are as I have never been in love. Sorry.
When are you going to open your Christmas present from Kelsey?
I already did on like Friday (when you weren’t looking :P)
Have you opened it yet?
Yes, weren’t you listening just now? Tsk tsk.
What about now?
Do you need to see someone about a hearing problem…or seeing problem…or reading problem…or patience problem?
Do you ever have just random flashes of memories in your head? And if so, is there anything in particular that you find yourself flashing back to more often than other things? Is it normal to have brief flashbacks?
Yes, yes, and yes.
If you were Ursula, whose voice would you steal?
If I were literally Ursula, I would steal Ariel’s voice because that is the plot of the movie. I don’t know whose voice I would steal if I had the power to. Someone with a nice voice that can sing but isn’t too soft.
What's your favorite page of your calendar that your mom made?
Either February or June. Probably June I guess.
If you could have any prop from Farscape, what would it be?
Hard question, and after thinking it over I’ve realized that all of the top four things I’d want either haven’t appeared prominently or haven’t appeared at all in the episodes you’ve seen (woohoo only 2 more episodes of season one for you and Amy). The top 4 includes John’s pulse pistol which he starts calling “Winona”, a certain coin (anyone who has finished season 3 will know exactly what I’m talking about here), DRD 1812 (season 4), and John’s journal. Um, I think John’s journal would be my top choice.
And if you could have any movie/tv prop that's not from Farscape, what would it be?
Also a tough choice, but I think I’d go with a pair of coconut halves from Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Runners-up include Peter’s sword from The Chronicles of Narnia or the 10th Doctor’s sonic screwdriver.
Would you rather never leave the US or never eat bread again?
You are an evil person. Ugh. Well, bread features too prominently in my diet to go without, and the US is pretty and has quite a bit of variety.
What's in your present from Kelsey?
A bracelet.
Do you think it's irrational for people to hate Valentine's Day?
Yeah sorta. I can understand not liking it for a number of reasons or just not seeing the point in the Day, but hating it seems to be taking it too far. People just want to have a little fun sometimes, no need to be a complete grouch about it (unless it’s funny).
How's life without iphone games?
Not that bad. I’ve had books to distract me recently.
What is the percentage of thoughts that you actually verbalize, if 100% is saying literally everything you think?
Probably somewhere around 10%.
Though at times it’s been closer to 20% and I desperately felt the desire to keep my mouth shut because I felt like I was talking too much.
What is the worst way someone could insult you?
Maybe to outright say that I am incapable of something, particularly something I think I can do. Idk, its not something I’ve thought about much.
What do you consider the best compliment someone could give you?
Uummmmm. I don’t know. To me, I think it’s less about what the compliment is and more about how sincere I believe them to be. That being said, being praised about something I’ve made is usually quite nice.
Would you rather have a wolf or a horse?
Wolf. I think it’d be easier to take care of.
How do you like sleeping on the top bunk?
It’s pretty good. I’m enjoying it.
If you had to be famous, would you rather be famous for something you did or for being married to someone famous?
It depends on what it is that made me or my husband famous, but I suppose I’d rather be famous for something I did.
If you could only date guys from one major, which major would you choose?
I’m tempted to say Canadian Studies only because I’ve just looked at the list of Majors offered here and it’s there. I don’t really know. My random selection off the Majors website will be…Computer Science. Why not?
What's the weirdest compliment you've ever received?
I can’t recall any weird compliments at the moment.
Well, there was that one time you said I looked like a sleek mountain explorer/fuzzy goat.
Today at church, Pastor Jason defined romance as "making a person feel as valuable as God says they are." What is your opinion of that definition and how does it line up with your own definition of romance?
Sounds pretty good to me. I guess maybe add in ‘always being there for each other’ but that’s kinda implied already.
Do you see yonder cloud that’s almost in shape of a camel?
Am I the only species in creation that doesn't thrive on conflict?
1) You are not the only species that doesn’t thrive on conflict.
2) Get off your high horse Zhaan. You aren’t perfect either.
John Crichton
One thing, just to be absolutely certain, you are the female of your species, right?
John, you realize I’m human as well, right? It may have been awhile since you’ve seen another earthling, but things haven’t really changed that much since you left.
Sherlock Holmes
What is it like in your funny little brains? It must be so boring.
Hey, it’s QUESTION Sunday, not Comment Sunday. That last sentence was uncalled for. And no it’s not boring, I entertain myself just fine in my own mind thank you very much.
Christine Daae
Who was that shape in the shadows? Whose is the face in the mask?
That would be Erik, or as you’ll better know him, The Phantom. Don’t worry, it’s normal for him to creep around on Question days. He’s hoping for another romp as blogger probably.
The Phantom
Stranger than you dreamt it, can you even bear to look, or dare to think of me?
Dude, you’re not even that scarred under the mask. It’s ok.
With all the anger in the land, how long before the judgment day, before we cut the fat ones down to size? Before the barricades arise?
If you’re talking about the Paris Uprising of 1832, well, it happens in 1832. So not long now. Good Luck! Well, err….nevermind.
Do I follow where she goes? Shall I join my brothers there? Do I stay, do I dare?
Considering you’ve only just met this girl, I’d lean towards…well actually. Maybe you should go with her. But maybe take the time to say goodbye to your friends.
What about second breakfast? What about elevenses? Luncheon? Afternoon tea? Dinner? Supper? He knows about them, doesn't he?
Pippin, you’re going to need to clarify your questions if you expect them to be understood by all the readers. Who is ‘he’?
And that's Question Sunday. Eh, I suppose I could have gone into more detail at times, but whatever. The winner this week is Anna Beth.