Oh, and I don't know if you guys remember me complaining about a test that I probably did horribly on in my field production class, but I got a B on it. And I got an A+ on my group project, which means that by some miracle I have an A in that class. :)
In other news, the Oscars are this Sunday and the cast of Les Mis is performing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D I'm so excited. I love the Oscars! Any predictions? Let me know in the comments!
Now, on to questions:
What are you not looking forward to on the road trip?
Scorpions. Definitely the scorpions. You know they have those in the desert, right? And what if they get in our tent???!
Are you dreading anything [about the road trip]?
I’d like to think that the long car rides will be fun...but maybe not the entire time. Pshh, whatever. It’ll be a constant partaaay! Whaaaat!
What's the most recent book you've read?
Pretty sure I read one of the really short books of the Bible semi-recently. Like 2nd or 3rd John. Does that count? It’s a book within a book. Inception! And umm...I probably read something for mythology. Just not all of it. I should...I should do some reading. Yeah...
Any books you want to read?
Les Miserables, The Fault in Our Stars, Divergent, The Selection, Sense and Sensibility, Revolution, Londoners, Looking for Alaska, An Abundance of Katherines, Harry Potter, For Darkness Shows the Stars, Nine Stories, A Million Suns, Splintered, Shatter Me, Just One Day. And that’s just a small sampling of my to-read list. Also, The Madness Underneath!!!! It comes out in FIVE DAYS, guys!!!!
Favorite breakfast food?
Cheerios with strawberries. But also BACON!
Would you rather sleep on the floor with thin carpet or on a bed frame with no mattress?
Floor. Definitely the floor. Those bed frames are super uncomfortable.
Would you rather die by the world's temperature getting too hot or the temperature getting too cold?
Oooh, tough one. I’d prefer neither. But...hot seems just extra bad. It would definitely smell worse. And at least when you freeze to death, you eventually fall asleep. You just don’t wake up....Okay, yeah, I’ll take cold.
When will you be free enough to watch some Last Airbender?
I don’t know...Usually when I have free time, I just do other stuff. I mean, um, soon.
If you could only keep one of your hats, which would it be?
Oh, that’s just mean. You know how I love my hats! Either my British hat--you know, the gray one with the bill?--or my black beret or my black riding hat. Oh, you’re just evil to make me choose. Maybe the beret? Because black goes with more stuff than gray does, and it’s easier to wear with different hairstyles than the other black one is.
Can I have that DSLR you used for your project?
What's your favorite level of reality/which do you spend the most time with?
Hmm...Level 5 (Complete Fiction) is definitely one I spend a lot of time thinking about, but I also prefer to more mindlessly daydream in Level 2 (You + Realistic Fiction) because it’s always nice to think about how I might meet and fall in love with my celebrity crushes.
If you could see in shades of only one color, which would you choose?
Red: the blood of angry men! No, just kidding. I wouldn’t want to see red all the time. And then I thought maybe blue, but that would be weird, too. Any color would be super weird, so--despite the lack of better phrasing--I’m going to go with shades of gray. Because seeing the world in black and white would be like watching old movies. Our eyes are more accustomed to think that’s normal, because we have a bit of experience seeing like that, even if it is removed from reality. Plus, dogs see in black and white, and I’ve always kind of wondered what that would be like.
What would you want to be be hunted by the FBI for?
Something cool. But...I mean...it would probably be something illegal if the FBI is hunting me, and I don't want to do something illegal. Then again, just because the government says something is illegal doesn't mean it's morally wrong. But I wouldn't want it to be like stealing or something. Because that is wrong. What kind of criminals does the FBI go for anyway? I just think of fraud and things...
Okay, update: I just googled it. Check out the FBI website. It made me laugh that this exists. Just the headline on the page. It is hilarious, right?
So what's my final answer? Spy! Duh. Just like someone I know...Oh, wait, I'd tell you, but then I'd have to kill you. ;)
No really, can I have that camera? pretty please?
Favorite phrase you don't know the meaning of?
Je ne sais quoi: a quality not easily described or expressed (a French phrase that means literally “I know not what”)
That's what I thought of after reading the question. Then I found that definition on this cool website. Check it out and let me know your favorite word for "that certain something."
Would you rather have a camel or an oxen and why?
Camel. Because...they’re cooler. And taller. They have humps, and there are songs about them. And “oxen” is the plural of “ox,” you know, just to nitpick. I’ve never really had the desire to have an ox.
Favorite type of Art?
Hipster/schoolboy Art. =)
Unless you know about our comic series about Art and Science, you don't get it. But maybe someday you will...Hey guys, we should work on that...
Favorite Science?
Astronomy is pretty cool. Except when it tells me the stars aren’t really close together. EXCEPT FOR THE STARS THAT LOOK LIKE ONE STAR BECAUSE THE TWO OF THEM ORBIT AROUND EACH OTHER AND IT’S SO ROMANTIC!!!!! See, that’s the one thing I learned from a science class. Worth it.
Why is your butt?
Why don’t you ask it yourself?
Anna Beth’s Bum:
Why do you guys talk about me all the time?
You’re just so popular! Everyone loves you.
Whelp, here I am. That's all I've got to say about that. And the favorite this week iiiiissssss.....MY BUM! But since I'm sitting on it and it can't be here to accept the award, my favorite is Jill. Her questions led me to learn new things about foreign words and what crimes the FBI investigates. Yay for learning!
Also, update: I found our Munchkin! Turns out the Munchkin thought blogging ended at the end of 2012. Now that she knows better, she said she'd be back. Ha! It's in writing! Don't prove me wrong, Munchkin.
And speaking of truant bloggers, I miss Amber's song of the week. So I'm going to post TWO SONGS this week.
1. Philip Phillips--"Gone, Gone, Gone." I heard this on the radio for the first time this afternoon. I really like it! And just look at this adorable video:
2. "Leave" from the movie/musical Once. Cover by George Blagden.
I just...he sings...so pretty... <3