Time is running out. I realized recently that I am halfway through my college career. Now that doesn't seem too extreme until you line it up with the other 13 years of school before that. When you compare it that way, I'm almost completely finished with my formal education, out the door into the "real world."
And to be honest, that scares the heck out of me. But it's not just the fact that I haven't the foggiest idea what I'm actually doing after graduation. It's that whatever it is, I won't be doing it with you guys. I've been thinking about that a lot lately. With a few exceptions, most of us are together a lot of the time. And those of us who go to different schools still stay pretty connected, I think. But graduating is a whole different ballgame. There's grad school, med school, internships, jobs, relationships, and it will all be in the midst of us going our separate ways.
I don't know the point of this little rant. I know my future is in God's hands, and I know that we still have two entire years left together. But still, I can't help but worry that these are the best years of our lives, just like everyone seems to say. And where's the fun in that? It sounds like it's all downhill from here. But I guess deep down I know it's not. Growing up doesn't have to be dull and lonely. We'll always be friends, best friends. And we will go on to lead extraordinary lives.
So there. My emoting is done.
In other news, Mellow Mushroom was delicious today! I've found my new favorite pizza place. I had Hawaiian pizza, and it was the best I'd ever had. Usually when I get Hawaiian, the ham is all hard or too chewy or somehow unpleasant. But Mellow Mushroom's ham was altogether scrumptious! Also, it was good to see friends I hadn't seen in a long time. And Kathleen's job at the Corvette plant sounds really awesome, by the way. I'm also really excited for tomorrow: LOTR Friday! Complete with Green Chicken! I <3 you, Sanaa!
Friendship is awesome, and that's exactly what I've been up to lately. I hung out with Amy before she left for Taiwan, we went to see The Avengers (which I really liked, even though there was a little too much blowing up stuff for my taste, lol), and I babysat Taylor and Tatum for the last time before they move to Arizona.
Plus, I got my mom to watch Doctor Who with me, and she actually really likes it. I thought it might be too weird sci-fi for her, but it was just odd enough for her to like it, so now that's what we're doing, watching Doctor Who. But we're only on series 1, so be patient, Jill! Also, everyone should go watch Sherlock. Right now.
Good night, and in the spirit of Sanaa's new means of communication, I shall leave you with a gif.
Anna Beth