As I have once again been lazy, I seem to have left this blog to the last 30 minutes of this Sunday, part of which I plan to use to beat Anna Beth at image searching on Google.
Speaking of, it's fun to search by images (click the little camera in the search bar when on the Image Search tag if you don't know what I'm talking about)
Like I was looking through the random pretty pictures I had saved on my computer and I found out this is rare Silver Fox (Red fox with unique black coloring) - at least that's what it is according to the Internet
And the first thing to pop up when I Googled this was just something called
And I found out that this is Devetashka cave in Bulgaria, and now I really want to go to Bulgaria.
I feel as though this blog has spiraled down into "Jill posts pretty pictures of places she wants to go". Oh well, word count of 303 + 6 pictures worth 1000 words = 6303 words = adequate blog is adequate.
So yeah, as long as the internet isn't lying, all that's pretty cool.
Not that much in this week's "Words that Weebly doesn't think are Words" (sad face)
Just Googled, Kelvedon, www, Brentwood, and Downton
btw, apparently Devetashka is a word <-- except in this sentence.