Also, this blog comes to you a bit later than expected due to my spazzy internet at the moment.
So...I got back from Florida today. I have a few interesting stories to tell.
My family and I spent 5 days at Cocoa Beach then drove to Orlando for a day at Universal Islands of Adventure. It rained a lot of our first day by the ocean, but it cleared up enough to take a long stroll on the beach where we came across not 1, but 3 weddings taking place within like 50 yards of each other.
I ended up amusing myself on the beach by trying to walk in other peoples footprints for as long as possible before they became indistinguishable. I thought about how John Green could probably think up some profound idea based on this walkinginothersfootprintsthing if it were a thoughts-from-places video, but alas you all are stuck with me and no interesting thoughts to go along with it. Other than a few rainy bits throughout the rest of the week, the weather was really nice. Nice enough to give me a bit of a sunburn anyway. There's actually this random strip on my arm that didn't get any burn. It's surrounded by reddened skin and I still have no idea how it remained unaffected. I mean, I wasn't half-shaded or anything. I was under the sun the whole time. Either the ocean didn't wash off that section of sunscreen or the part of my arm just decided, "oh naw, I don't feel like getting burned this year" Strange but kinda funny.
My brother and I spent a fair amount of our time playing around in the ocean. I was curious what things you all like to do in the sea because Cameron and I enjoy (I suppose you could call it a game?) jumping waves. You swim out until you're about chest or waist deep in water then jump and/or ride the waves as they come in over your head while trying not to get a face full of saltwater.
And I've decided that sand is somewhat akin to cigarrettes (to me anyway). It's annoying (it gets everywhere!), hard to get rid of (no matter how much you try to wash it off, there's always some hiding away and still sticking to you) and yet its so addicting to play in (not that I personally am addicted to ciggarettes - I find them disgusting as you all know). Half the time I was on the beach I was trying to convince myself not to mess around with the sand too much because I knew I'd regret it later, but I just couldn't stay away. Here are a few results of the "addiction".
Also I wanted you all to know that this dessert was absolutely fantastic. Big rice krispie treat with white chocolate fudge on top. We should try making it sometime.

I just have to mention how international the whole day was. I don't think I've ever heard that much variety of languages and accents spoken around me in my life. It was so awesome! Our whole vaction (the people around us anyway) was actually a lot more diverse than I was expecting. It started off with the British family I mentioned in my last blog at the car rental place. And then it just kept coming. While at Cocoa Beach I heard Chinese (I'm assuming it was Chinese of course. I think the family was Chinese, but I could easily be wrong) Russian, and what I think was Dutch (but once again, I was assuming. My ear for languages is nowhere near good enough to distinguish alot of the different European languages). And then in Orlando, the family eating breakfast next to us was definitley speaking French (somehow, little kids speaking French is just really cool to me) and at the park there was German, French, and Spanish; and lots and lots of English accents. It's possible I heard more British people talking than American (Though only one Scottish women who I'm not sure was Scottish since I only heard a bit of her sentence as she walked quickly past me.) On the whitewater raft ride, we shared our raft(boat?) with a Brit family and their hilarious kids (there was much screaming made by the children and my mom as they proceeded to get absolutley soaked on the ride, lol). I wound up spending quite a bit of the day wishing you all were there with me (particularly Anna Beth) since you all probably would have enjoyed it immesely.
But I've hardly even mentioned The Wizarding World of Harry Potter! It was Awesome! Fantastic! Brilliant! The main ride in that part of the park was totally awesome! and the Butterbeer is delicious! Everything was way overpriced, but it was totally fun experience and you all should go if you haven't already (especially Sara).
And now I suppose I should talk about the thing which you may mainly want to hear about that Anna Beth eluded to in her blog yesterday.
I met Alex Day and Carrie Fletcher!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It was just so unexpected. My brother and I were standing in line for the main Harry Potter ride, and I was kinda remembering that Carrie had mentioned in a recent video that she was going to Disney World and how cool it would be if she came to Universal too and maybe we were in the park at the same time. And about 5-10 minutes later who do I see walking in the distance to the back of the line I'm in? Carrie and Alex. And my mind was like "what?" "no way" 'dude" They were too far away to say anything without yelling and calling all kinds of attention to myself. And I wasn't sure if I would be bugging them (despite the TONS of videos of youtubers saying they don't mind being approached to say Hello and that they generally really like meeting people that watch their videos - I couldn't help the thought ok? It was just kinda instinctual) So, in tiny bit of a daze, I continued waiting in line with my brother, and we rode the ride and thoroughly enjoyed it.
Luckily, right outside the exit to the ride is a place to buy wands and other souvenirs, which my brother wanted to stop at to get stuff for his friends. So I was just kinda waiting for my brother to finish and sort of for Carrie and Alex to come out of the ride. And my mom found us (having not ridden the ride herself) so I was telling her about how I'd seen these two youtubers I liked and wouldn't mind saying hello to and to please tell me if she saw a guy wearing zebra print pants. And she's like "you mean like that?" and I'm like "KLSLKFJNLSJFLSJ"
I look over, see them walking past, and kinda spaz and call out "Alex!" (I have no ideo why I didn't call out "Alex!Carrie!" I blame the zebra pants. lol.) Anyway, they turn around and take a few steps toward me. I walk over and this is where I kinda blank memory-wise, but I shall do my best to recall everything that happened because Anna Beth asked me to (or was it Rachael? idk).
I said something like "Hi"
They said something like "Hi"
I said something like "I like your videos" or "I watch your videos. They're cool"
And He said something like "Yeah? Thanks. You just come off the ride, too?"
I said something like "Yeah, it was awesome, wasn't it?"
[I think something else ride related was said here, but I can't really remember what. something along the lines of we all liked the ride]
then I said something like "Would it be really weird if I asked to have a picture with you?"
He said something like "No, of course not!"
I then give my camera to my mom who has been standing a little back. Then Carrie, who I only then realize I haven't really addressed properly starts to step out of frame probably thinking I just want a picture with Alex. And I have another mini-spaz-attack (can't really control them :/ [oh and btw, you all know these are purely internal spazzes, right? I wasn't actually flailing around, at least I really hope I wasn't :P]) and say something like "No, wait. Will you be in the picture too, Carrie? I love your Disney Princess Song!"
I think she said "Sure, and Thanks" (I can't remember specifically because of the tiny guilt trip I was having at not saying much to her. She's awesome! Why didn't my surprised brain talk to both of them? I once again blame the zebra pants. They're quite distinguishable, aren't they? lol)
Then Alex says something like "Here, do you want to stand in the middle?" (When we had turned to face the camera I had ended up next to Alex with Carrie on the other side)
I said "Yeah sure"
Picture gets taken
I say Thanks
He says something like "no problem" followed by some version of "Have a fun day at the park"
and I say thanks and some version of "You all have a nice day too"
then some sort of good bye
we go our separate ways
and my brother proceeds to tease me the rest of the day by recreating my spastic "Alex!" with quite a bit more drama and high pitched voices than I sure actually happened.
Anyway, I gotta say that they were super nice. I think 'chipper' is a very fitting word at describing my first impression of IRL Alex. He just had a very happy demeanor. And why not reinterate: they were quite amiable.
Now I can just talk about how kinda surreal it was. It was strange. Not like Strange Strange. It was just...different.. seeing someone in real life that you're only used to seeing in video format. The surprise factor may have also had something to do with it. There's just a pleasant weirdness that went with seeing them in person. It's hard to describe. And it kinda made my day, haha.
Also, I was both more and less fangirly than I thought I would be. I think I passed as a perfectly normal human being while internally I josseled between stomach-butterfly-somersaults and the more reasonable: "they're just people like you. but they are pretty awesome people nonetheless."
Man, this has turned into a pretty long blog, for me anyway. And I haven't even got to mention that Shelby's in town! I got back from having dinner with her, Jessica, Anna Beth, Sara, and Amy. I could go on writing about how nice it was to see her again and about how I'm looking foreward to hanging out with everyone this weekend and finally moving into my new dorm room that I'm kinda in love with at the moment. But all that can wait. I'm tired. I've been up since 4:30 in the morning to catch a flight back to Kentucky. And I still have to get the rest of my stuff in order so that I can move tomorrow. Sigh. I'm tired. I'm going to bed now.
P.S. - Something random I learned this week:
The word decimate (the beginning being 'deci' = 10) basically means to take away 10 percent of something. So, slightly less destructive than what I always thought
Question of the Blog: How do you think you would react upon seeing a youtuber or celebrity you really like?