really have no choice but to be extremely excited to see it. Which is my excuse for spending far too much time watching the videos on their YouTube channel( and poring over their website
( They’re trying to raise money
to fund the first season right now (15 days left, hence the intro), and so they’re offering perks for donating, like getting a personalized video thank you from the cast member of your choice, or being credited in an episode. Needless to say, it’s extremely tempting, if only I weren’t so phobic about money things on the Internet… anyway, if you’re one of the half dozen or so people who normally read this, chances are you already know everything I just said and have
thus far been extremely bored with my blog. So sorry about that. But I can’t help it! I just want it to exist so bad!!!!
Anyways… time to move on to a topic you will be more likely to enjoy: Question Tuesday!
If your true love was reduced to a talking head in a block of concrete, what would you do?
I would be sad, as outside of the Whoniverse that would mean that my true love was dead.
Is it bad that I often have stronger emotional reactions to fictional things than I
do to real events?
Nah, I feel like that’s pretty common. If it’s good enough, you can get to know a fictional character pretty well in, say, a 45 minute episode, or a 200 page book, which makes you pretty emotionally invested in the outcome of said character’s story. Real life stuff, however, is
generally vaguer- unless you know someone personally involved, often all you know is what the news tells you or what you look up online, which doesn’t get into the specifics as much into how it affects the individual people who are going through it. Plus, if you became emotionally invested in all the stuff going on in with all the people in the world, you’d be even worse off than the crime-detecting people in Minority Report (you know who I’m talking about? The
brothers and sister hooked up to the machine that releases the little balls telling the police the name of a person who’s about to commit a crime?). So it tends to be better for most people’s sanity to take a distanced view of the stuff that really happens. Not that we shouldn’t feel for real people to whom real stuff happens, and try to do something to make it better if we can.
Feeling too much, though, and focusing excessively on all the bad things in the world, will do nothing but make us another story on the news.
But back to the actual point I was talking about! That’s what fiction is supposed to do- get us out of the real world for a while and into a whole different plot with simpler characters and
problems that can be solved within their fictional realities of a couple of hours or a few hundred pages, more complete than any real life story will ever be until this earth’s story itself is finished.
Can you think of any other guys to act in our web series?!?!?!!?
If you couldn't be a teacher, what would you want to be?
Didn’t someone ask me this before? Like, Jill or someone? I remember saying I’d want to work in a daycare place, and asking if that was too close to being a teacher to count.
Who's your favorite English monarch?
I think the real question here is who is even better than the English monarch- and the answer here would be John Green, as you can see from Charlie decides to go see John Green, passing up the opportunity to get to meet the Queen.
Off the top of my head, though, I’d have to say Queen Elizabeth the 1st. Because she was the first, and I feel like she did significant stuff, back in history…
So, will you see my questions in time for this week's blog?
I always check last minute :)
Who is your favorite character in our web series so far?
Willow. Cause she’s me. And she has a happy ending. :P
Really, though, I think at this point we’ve kind of done the most with Cat, which makes me like her the most. The others, I feel, need some more character development (not that Cat doesn’t,
too- we’re still pretty early in the whole process).
Why are the numbers on calculators and phones reversed?
So, I literally just pulled out my phone and checked it, because I had no idea what you were talking about. But you’re right! And I had never noticed that before. I looked it up, though, and apparently there are a lot of theories. One suggests that the phone people researched and found that errors were less likely to occur if the numbers ran top to bottom, whereas the calculator people just picked one and did no research. It was also suggested that both groups were going by precedent. So they didn’t purposely reverse each other, their predecessors just each happened to pick the opposite direction.
How many digits of pi can you name from memory?
3.141592- that many. I used to remember a couple more digits because of the second Night at the Museum movie (kudos to anyone who knows what I’m talking about!), but it’s been awhile.
Zombies or Unicorns?
Unicorns. This is one issue on which John Green and I do not see eye to eye.
Besides its actual meaning, what's your favorite phrase from Hank Green and Michael Aranda's song DFTBA?
I love that song!!! Thanks for giving me an excuse to rewatch the video :P ( So, there are
several that I really like, but I picked “Dead Frogs Teach Bored Anatomists.”
Also worth mentioning, because I thought they were really cool how they actually
related to why they were being created (they get asked what DFTBA stands for a
lot, so the nerdfighters were challenged to come up with a bunch of
alternatives)- “Delightful Fans That Blithely Assist” and “Duel For The Best
Acronym.” That last one’s probably my favorite, actually. How bout you guys?
You should go listen and tell me what your favorite one is :D
If you had a puppy sized elephant, what would you name it?
Ellie? Haven’t I told you already that I’m bad at naming things!
What's your favorite article of clothing that you own?
Well, I do quite like my fencing pants. They’re so cozy!
Favorite number?
Umm. 3?
So thanks for the Questions guyssss! My favorite person this week is…. Anna Beth! Because she’s cool and stuff. Until next week!