As for news from earlier in the week, we had our first fencing meeting of the year on Thursday. At least a dozen potential new members showed up, so we were all really excited! I have art tonight, so I’ll only get to come to practices on Thursdays, which makes me kind of sad. But art is turning out to be a lot of fun so far. I mean, my homework last week was to color- I can’t really complain. Other than that, Amber already told you about her birthday fun on Friday. I love being 20 years old and still wanting to run around the playground like little kids <3
Umm, there isn’t much else to tell you about. I should get to work on school stuff soon, anyway, so I guess I’ll go on to Questions. I have to warn you, though, Question Tuesday is quite bereft this week. Jill and Anna Beth decided I give “cop out” answers too much, so they have re-posed some of the questions that they think require more legitimate answers. Which is really boring.
Jill and Anna Beth:
What district do you think you would have belonged to in the Hunger Games?
According to the “What Hunger Games District are You?” quiz on Facebook:
District 4
You are nice. You have a tough time with making friends, but with romance, it never goes wrong. You are definitely beautiful. Your job would be fishing.
So…. District 4, apparently.
If you could be one of the Doctor’s companions, which one would you want to be (Rose, Martha, Donna, Amy, etc)? *But no spoilers in your answer por favor*
Rose, I suppose (though I still don’t want to be Rose)
Imagine you’re a timelord and you get to pick one person to travel with you through time and space. Who would you pick? (although your original answer to this was actually satisfactory, Anna Beth says she was looking for you to give a specific name)
The Doctor?
What would you include in the opening or closing Olympic ceremonies if you could design them for the US?
Music and Fireworks. And the Vlogbrothers.
What’s your favorite movie?
Phantom of the Opera. Not that I’m biased from having just finished the book and rewatched the movie, or anything.
If you met a genie, what would your 3 wishes be?
1. Chocolate.
2. Money for a road trip.
3. Real Question Tuesday Questions.
If I were to ask you what argument/debate you’ve had with someone has been the most entertaining, what’s the first thing to come to mind?
The ones I have with my sister all the time.
What’s the strangest thing you believed as a child?
Well, when I was little our house didn’t have a garage, so whenever we got home after dark, I was always afraid that a lion or something was waiting to attack us before we could get into the house.
There, questions answered.