I wasn't on the schedule to volunteer today. I start at 8 in the morning! So today all I did was go to the screening of the opening night film and go to the after party. The opening film, Shouting Secrets, was amazing, and at the after party I got to talk to the filmmaker, who was really, really. I'll link a trailer below.
Then, we met a guy named Justin and his girlfriend. Justin is a very...passionate...fellow. He has a lot of opinions about life and L.A. and filmmaking and everything. Here are his 3 rules for succeeding in the film biz:
1. Ask for help. Realize that you are worth helping and ask for it.
2. No one cares about your hopes and dreams. Producers are apparently bloodsuckers who don't care anything about you, your creativity, or anything other than money.
3. Realize what you're not good at and work on getting better at that.
Justin seemed like kind of an angry individual, but he said a lot of really interesting and important things. He's moved around a lot and even then, he said nothing prepares you for L.A. He said making it in film is really, really hard, which is why he both hates and loves what he does. He told us that the fact that it's so hard is also makes it so worth it to actually make a film. So yeah, he was both depressing and inspiring. But more inspiring, I guess...Maybe. He certainly was interesting.
I also met some other guys, a writer/director named Motke and one of his actors, Eric. Alicia and I hung out with this group (Justin, Justin's girlfriend, Motke, Eric, and a producer named Anthony) at the hotel overpass/glassed-in-over-the-road thing for like an hour or so after the after party, and just talked about filmmaking and writing and what inspires us and whatnot. I was kind of quiet and awkward but after a while I actually started talking, even though the first thing Motke actually asked me was, "What inspires you?" And I was just thinking, "Oh great, you start with the hard questions!" And I just kind of stuttered awkwardly and tried to say smart things, and eventually we had an intelligent conversation. So that was really, really so much fun, and way more than I expected. I'm about to go to bed now, but I can't wait for the rest of the festival!
...I'm totally going to fail at getting homework done, though. Oh well, this is life homework. :)
Love you guys,
Anna Beth
P.S. The book 9 Stories by J.D. Salinger comes highly recommended by Motke, if any of you want to read it. Mostly I'm just writing this on here so I'll remember.