1. At long last, someone invents "the dream VCR." This machine allows you to tape an entire evening's worth of your own dreams, which you can then watch at your leisure. However, the inventor of the dream VCR will only allow you to use this device of you agree to a strange caveat: When you watch your dreams, you must do so with your family and your closest friends in the same room. They get to watch your dreams along with you. And if you don't agree to this, you can't use the dream VCR.
Would you still do this?
Confession: When I read this question I felt this strange bout of power rush over me… So this is how Sara feels! ;)
Well, for one I would hope it’s a dream DVD player because if I’m going to record my dreams, I’d better be able to watch the recording in HD. ;)
Actually, this question is kind of intriguing because I rarely ever dream… Well, I guess I should say remember my dreams, since apparently we all do dream nightly. I typically only remember my dreams once or twice every 6 mo or so, so to have the ability to capture all of those missing dreams would be pretty neat. [Side note: I do have recurring dreams- as in, I get the exact same dream once every 3 years / 7 years (Honestly, I do! It’s like déjà vu in dreams! Take that, Inception! XD), so it may be interesting to record them too.] However, and I’m being totally honest here, my dreams tend to be kind of freaky / scary / rated at least PG-13, if not worse, and when they’re nightmares, they’re typically about the people closest to me, and even though they’re only dreams, I still wouldn’t want those I love to see them. So no. I wouldn’t record my dreams if I had to share them with my family and closest friends.
2. Imagine cats can read. Do you think the average cat would enjoy Garfield, or would cats find this cartoon to be an insulting caricature?
Hahaha! I think cats are overall pretty intelligent creatures who would enjoy reading about how Garfield runs the house and how silly Jon and Odie are, so if they were able to read Garfield, I think they’d like it!
3. Also, going along with question #1, what is the most embarrassing dream you've ever had? What is your favorite dream you've had?
Oh gosh, I’ve already revealed the rating of most of my dreams, and now I have to reveal the most embarrassing one?! Well, if I didn’t have to write it down and could just tell the girls reading this, I would- so ask me sometime if you’re really that curious. However, just so you have a vague idea & I’m kind of answering the question, it’d be like one of those trashy summer novels that are meant for beach reading with no one looking over your shoulder… Rated R. (and now I’m all embarrassed…)
To not be a cop-out, the most embarrassing dream I can note on here is actually one of my recurring dreams (every 3 years). In this dream, I’m in this really sparkly store colored in pretty pastels, and there are sale racks everywhere… especially ones with dresses. And I just spend the entire dream shopping. Yes, I have a recurring shopping dream. XD I have no defense for myself…
My favorite dream… You know, because I can hardly ever remember my dreams, I don’t actually have one. The ones I remember besides my recurring dreams are always nightmares, so they wouldn’t be my favorite. I do remember having this really awesome one where I was a spy in this foreign land somewhere in Europe in the 1800s, and all of my friends appeared in some way or another as characters completely different from themselves, so that was really cool. J Plus, I think at the end of it, we all jumped off of this huge waterfall into a giant lake at the bottom. At night. Pretty epic ending.
4. Would you accept $1,000,000 in U.S. dollars (or the equivalent in whatever currency) to leave your country and never set foot in it again?
No. There’s not an amount of money in the world that could make me leave the US permanently. I really love America and everything in it. I may leave it for a period of years, but I’d always want to come back.
5. If you knew you were going to go blind in 2 months, what would you do? What would you want to travel and see?
I think I’d want to do everything on my (non-existent except in my head) bucket list because for me, sight is such a big part of everything. I love mapping out in my head everywhere I’ve been by the scenery and buildings and landmarks, so not being able to see that would almost kill me. I should note that, if this were to happen, hopefully I will have already gotten my passport so I can go abroad. My top places to travel to currently are the west coast, Alaska, Las Vegas (yes!), Indonesia (that may be where I’d want to go first), Britain, Antarctica (just because), Germany, and Spain. Plus at some point in my life I’d like to travel the world in 80 days… I think that’s just a really awesome thing to do. I know 80 days is longer than 2 months, but maybe I could do it faster with modern transportation… ;)
6. Do you think time travel will ever be possible?...Or is it already?
I actually don’t think time travel will ever be possible. I believe that black holes do have something to do with it, but I think that if man was able to travel back in time to the beginning of creation to settle the argument of Creationism, I think it’s more likely that Jesus would return first. As wonderful as it would be to be able to see that, I kind of think that would lead to faith simply because of actually seeing it, which takes away a huge part of blind faith / “believing without seeing.” So, no. I don’t think mankind will ever be able to time travel.
7. If you could change sex for a week, would you do it?
Weirdly enough, I was actually thinking about this today! I decided that I am glad I was born as a girl because I think there’s a lot of advantages to being a girl that men don’t realize… Plus I kind of think of us as being sneakier & more clever. ;) (I think that comes from all of my Nancy Drew reading when I was little.) However, for a week… Yes. I would change my sex. I’m kind of curious as to how my view on life and normal everyday matters would change. Plus, I’ll be honest: I really do want to know what guys think about all day (even if I may regret wondering it).
8. What's the weirdest thing you've ever thought of naming your future child?
This brings me back to a conversation I had with Mark the first day we were back from winter break this past year (No, we weren’t dating at that point). He mentioned that over the break he came up with a list of names he’d consider naming his future children, and no offense, dear, but some of them were quite ridiculous! (I should note that a lot of them I did like, so I can’t knock them all.)
However, I really haven’t come up with a lot of names for any children I might have in the future. Part of that is because for the longest time, I didn’t want children, so I didn’t bother trying to name them. (My apologies if this blog is still around sometime in the future, and my future children read this!) Any names that I have come up for my future children I’m not sure would be completely relevant either- I know I’d like to adopt and am still undecided as to whether or not I want to have a child from me and my future husband, so if I adopt my children old enough, I wouldn’t name them. Anyway. I honestly think that naming my child something common- say Emily, Sarah (no offense, Sara- I’m glad your spelling is different), Jennifer, John, Bob, etc. – just feels weird to me, so I would name my child something a bit more unique (Exception: I really, really like the name Michael.) As far as weird goes, perhaps Ariana, Esther, Cena, Noelle, Ariel Beth, etc… if you can call any of those weird. Sorry there’s not really any guy names… I’ve just always figured that if I have a boy, I will name him Michael. (and I’ve just kind of always figured my first child will be a boy) *shrugs*
9. If you had to name your son Marmaduke or Huckleberry, which would you choose? (By the way, those are the actual names of 2 of Bear Grylls' sons!)
Oh gosh… Let’s go with Marmaduke. It has less of a reputation than Huckleberry does… I think. o.O Plus, I kind of like the ring of it…
10. If you could only listen to 5 songs for the rest of your life, what would they be?
First, I’d want to seriously hurt whoever took away all of the music. I’m honestly not sure what I’d do with only 5. Also, my favorite songs change every year or so. But if I had to choose… These would be my current top 5. (not in any particular order)
1. “Let Us Break Bread Together” – my favorite church hymn
2. “Baba Yetu” – Victory did an a cappella version of this, in which I had a small solo, and we recorded it in May. I can’t wait to get this back… It’s the Lord’s Prayer in Swahili, and it sounds absolutely wonderful.
3. “How He Loves” – David Crowder Band. This is one of my favorite (if not my favorite) contemporary worship songs, and I could listen to it on replay almost any day.
-- Oh gosh… This is so hard!!!! I love music so much that I feel like I’m missing some! I might come back and edit this tomorrow, but I wanted it up tonight. For the record, I’m now going to look at my master list of my favorite songs and will list the two which stand out now.--
4. “Science and Faith” –The Script. Something about this song just makes me agree with everything in it, and every time I listen to it, it just knocks me over with how true it is about love, life, and God.
5. Ok. So this is a tie between “For the First Time” by The Script (I have wonderful memories of performing this as a duet with my other twin Kelsey to audition for the Melodores this year) and “The Man Who Can’t Be Moved” by The Script (just one of those songs that just is). But if I was absolutely forced to choose… I’d probably choose “The Man Who Can’t Be Moved.” :) I just love it and everything about it.
& That wraps it up! Wow, that was a lot of fun! I’ll have to hijack this from Sara another time too… ;)