Amy just said that anything I say is cute...aaawwwww
At band practice today, the storm caught us in the middle of practice so we had to leave early. Katie Morrison and I walked back to our dorm in bare feet--it felt really nice prancing about in the pouring rain and jumping in puddles.
I've also started going to the Preston Center and started power-walking/jogging to become healthier. I think this is my third try to keep my New Year's resolutions.
Ummm...that's about it.
Deep thought I had today: I feel different, as in, I can feel change happening and know that things will never be the same. I like change, but I want the security of knowing that I will end up where I want to be or see myself going. I'm also afraid that that won't happen...
So sorry for that kind of morbid thought...ok bye.