Artemis Fowl- too much comes when no one understands your references… Also, too much is called an obsession. Like when you reread the books and then dream of Artemis Fowl for the next week. It’s especially unpleasant when the next book hasn’t even been announced yet :/
Deserted Island- to be honest, the things I usually list for this question ARE the essentials. Mostly focusing on how to get off said deserted island. Does sunscreen count as an essential? I’m going to say yes, considering how easily I burn. So… the first thing I’d want to bring… my friends! Cause deserted islands are boring if you don’t have anyone to share in your misery! And actually, it would probably be really fun once we got over the part about not knowing how/when we’d get back to civilization. Especially if we already had food/water/shelter/etc. Second, I’d bring writing materials. Being stuck on a deserted island would, after all, give me a lot of material to write about (and it’d be a good reference for the movie they’d want to make about the whole thing! :P ). And the last thing I would bring… my Gameboy maybe? I could catch up on my Pokemon game. You know, until the battery died (since I’m assuming said deserted island doesn’t have electricity? Or does a generator count as “essential”?).
Leap Year/Chasing Liberty- I’m not sure I’ve seen Chasing Liberty. I mean, I looked it up, and the plot looks familiar, but I feel like I’m thinking of a different movie. Maybe First Daughter, with Katie Holmes? So I think I’ll have to go with Leap Year, since I have for sure seen that one. Plus it has Amy Adams, Ireland (which I can sign now!), and an awesome Irish guy with an awesome Irish accent!
about 9 minutes 40 seconds in, John starts talking about awesome and too much of it. Also, you should just watch it. Cause it’s John Green. And educational!