As you all know, this weekend was quite fun what with the surprising Shelby and the sort of practicing for the roadtrip.
Since I am idealess for blogs at the moment, I thought I may as well use this week to explain the question I gave Anna Beth for her question Thursday: "What's your favorite level of reality/which do you spend the most time with?"
One summer during High School Anna Beth and I were at The Balloons Tunes and Barbeque with several friends and we got to talking about daydreams. We found out we daydreamed and made up stories quite frequently in our heads. We ended up trying to classify the different types of daydreams we had, and several years later this was born:
Question of the week (probably shouldn't actually expect this to be a weekly thing): What do you think 'Levels of Reality' should more aptly be titled. I like the sound of it, but I have this feeling there's a more accurate title out there.
And this week in Words Weebly Doesn't Think are Words: Roadtrip, Reality
And we have a special segement this week as well: Words Weebly Can't Decide are Words since the Red Squiggly Line Keeps Appearing and then Disappearing: Derp