You should translate the Latin. You know we're too lazy to look it up!
(Not technically a question, but I wanted to answer it here anyway.) “Ego tu sum, tu es ego: unanimi sumus” translates to “I am you, you are me: we are of one mind.” It reminds me of how we often refer to ourselves as one massive human, so I tried using it as a sign of affection and used it to replace “Love” at the end of the blog. But when I told Anna Beth what it meant, she thought it was weird : /
If nothing else, it can be amusing that something that sounds somewhat poetic/philosophical was the overheard drunken singing of one Roman slave to another.
I was excited about your movie list when I saw Ferris Bueller. And was that guy in Carrie's guilty biscuit video? (guess who's caught up and subscribed now!) But then you continued with Homeward Bound and Babe, and it was just... no...
Yeah, that’s Jack Howard. And what exactly is wrong with Homeward Bound and Babe? Those movies are AWESOME!!! They’re such a part of my childhood. I don’t see what’s wrong with me wanting to share that with you guys (I mean, they’re definitely better than The Pebble and the Penguin that I was forced sit through). I believe Babe is widely considered one of the best family movies of all time. It was a box office hit, rated highly by top critics, and nominated for seven Academy Awards. Although at its core it’s a tale of perseverance, friendship, and making your dreams come true, one of the most interesting things about it is how it takes its audience (full of kids) seriously. The reality of why animals are bred (for food) is mentioned again and again in interesting ways. There’s one scene that can even be considered a bit on the frightening side due to the fact that the violence is live-action rather than animated, at least for younger viewers. And Homeward Bound, while it may not have received the same critical acclaim as Babe, is still great. Aside from the animals (and their voice counterparts) the acting isn’t all that great, but honestly it’s easy to get past because of how likable the movie is (plus people aren’t in it all that much). It’s just a fun movie that can pull on your heart strings at the end.
What kinds of questions do you like to be asked?
Good ones
Between Spanish, ASL, Latin, and any other languages you've learned a bit of, which one do you like best?
Pros and cons of all these languages?
pros – I find it the most different of the languages I’ve learned. Speaking with your
hands is just such a different concept than spoken or written language, and it’s
fun. I think it’s also the easiest to communicate with if your vocabulary is minimal
because you can fingerspell or pantomime to make the rest of your point clear
con – I can’t really think of any right now, which is why I chose it as favorite
pros – It can be a very concise and efficient language. You can get your point across in
far fewer words. And it’s just cool to know an ancient dead language.
Cons – all the noun declensions can be hard to keep track of, and some are verb
conjugations are irregular so you just have to know them. It’s overall the most
difficult of the ones I’ve learned, but also probably the most satisfying.
pros – it shares many similarities with English which makes it easier to learn. And
Spanish is one of the more common languages to hear in the US, so it’s useful
Con – it’s not so much a con for the language itself, but I prefer ASL and Latin far more.
They’re just more interesting.
What is your favorite thing about each of us?
Can my favorite thing be just that we have the best random conversations? Cuz that includes a number of the qualities I like about all of you: wit, thoughtfulness, randomness, etc
What question do you most want me to ask?
^ This one (not really) ^
Don't answer that question (jk, tell us the answer :)
^ This confuses me ^
What are you best at drawing? Worst?
I’m generally pretty good at drawing animals and well defined objects.
I find people incredibly difficult to draw. My proportions are always off and they just never look anything like I intended.
Favorite coloring utensil? (color pencil, crayon, marker, chalk, etc.)
I usually prefer coloring pencils for most things. There seems to be more options for blending, at least with my abilities, than markers. And crayons always dull down into a wider base after awhile so it’s harder to be precise. Though actually, if I were better with them, I think oil pastels would be my favorite. They’re so much richer and deeper in color than color pencils, and they blend better.
Favorite season?
Which is better: adult dogs or kittens?
Dogs all the way [across the sky] man. Not that kittens aren’t incredibly adorable, I just prefer big dogs.
Favorite and least favorite class this semester?
Least Favorite: Chemistry, hands down. I’m just so done with it.
Favorite: Yoga. What other class do you get to end with a 5-minute nap? And I’ve really been enjoying the workouts.
Class you're most excited for next semester?
Hehe, excited for classes….
It’s sad that I’m not actually excited for any of my classes next semester. It’s mainly filled with the extraneous science classes I need to graduate. I suppose Histology could be really interesting. It’s my only biology class, so it’s winning so far. I’m actually thinking about dropping one of the lab times in exchange for Linguistic Anthropology. Hopefully it will stay open long enough for me to talk to the Chemistry Department. The Physics 2 lab may be fun as well…maybe. Fun experiments sort of make up for a stressful class.
Favorite and least favorite things about your major?
Favorite: Biology is often very interesting. And I get to learn a bunch of somewhat random things about living things.
Least favorite: all the annoying extraneous classes required to go along with the major (Chemistry, Physics, etc)
Have you picked a minor yet?
What's the best thing about the internet? Worst?
Best: In the broadest terms – sharing. People share their creativity, wit, information, and stories with anyone and everyone that has an internet connection around the world. You can be literally seconds way from finding anything you need or want. Communities can be built around peoples’ shared interests.
Worst: trolls and smut
If you could only keep one of your YouTube subscriptions, which would it be and why?
If I only keep one subscription, does that mean I can still watch other people’s videos and just not be notified when they’re uploaded? If that’s the case, then I’d probably choose Charlieissocoollike. There’s no telling when his videos will be uploaded, so it’s convenient to know when they come out without having to check. A lot of the other youtubers (though not all) have either a schedule or semi-schedule so I at least have a rough idea when videos get uploaded.
This is probably not what you had in mind for this question :P
K, so I've heard people talk before about a teacher that they liked as a person, but didn't think was a good teacher. Does it work the other way around? Can you think someone's a good teacher but not like them as a person? Any personal experience with this?
Of course. I think there are fewer examples of this though. I want to say my current Chemistry Professor is like this for me. A lot of people do like him (while still thinking he is somewhat the spawn of satan in class). I’m not entirely sure if it’s my own displeasure in the class, but other than the short period of time where I really liked him, he basically gets on my nerves. But he does do his best to make everyone understand the material.
Anna Beth
What's worse: having your fingernails slowly uprooted from your fingers, or accidentally going on a date with your cousin?
How is that even a question? Of course accidentally going on a date with one’s cousin is the superior scenario. It’s a onetime thing that isn’t as damaging as taking off fingernails.
Would you rather go to Wonderland or Neverland?
Wonderland is ruled by a crazy despot.
If you were a hoarder, where would you keep your stuff: in your house or in your car?
At first I wanted to say my house since it’s not as public, but I changed my mind. A car is more compact and so I’m less of a hoarder if I only cram things in there. Also, I want to feel comfortable in my own home.
What are you most looking forward to about your trip to England?
Just the fact of being in another country and seeing some things that are different from the United States. And basically everything else, too.
Why don't you like wearing necklaces?
I actually don’t dislike wearing necklaces. I just don’t really own any. It’s actually rings and earrings I legitimately don’t like or want. The sole exception is a wedding ring. It’s probably the only one I can tolerate. I can’t really explain why. It’s just one of those irrational
How much money would you guess is in your piggy bank (without counting)?
Probably around $30.
Avatar or Titanic?
Which do I like more or which do I think is a better movie (and on what grounds)?
I prefer Avatar, but I think Titanic is the better movie critically (though Avatar has it beat on effects and computer awesomeness).
Bourne Identity or Oceans 11?
Oceans 11
What's your favorite Disney song?
It changes often, and depends on the day. At the moment I’m very fond of Steady as the Beating Drum and Strangers Like Me. Oh, and whatever that instrumental song is that plays before the Lantern Festival in Tangled.
Who's your favorite American youtuber?
Can William Darcy count? No? ok.
Ummmm, hard choice. I guess John Green is my favorite, but there are several others that are just plain awesome.
Fill in the blank: the Keep Calm and Carry On poster that describes Jill would say: Keep Calm and _____________.
Since this isn’t technically a question, I feel justified it giving several responses rather than just one.
Keep Calm and Keep Calm
Keep Calm and Argue On
Keep Calm and Form a Cult
Keep Calm and Poke People…with swords
Keep Calm and Ride the fence
Keep Calm and Watch YouTube
Keep Calm and Be Nerdy
Keep Calm and Play Devil’s Advocate
Keep Calm and MAKE FIRE
What's our best "your butt" joke so far?
The first one. I don’t know really, just your reaction to my reaction to your driving coupled with the “your butt doesn’t watch the road when it’s driving!” had me in hysterics, partly because it was so unexpected.
What's your favorite card in Cards Against Humanity?
If you were a fairy tale character, who would you be?
If I can include Once Upon a Time here, I’d be Red Riding Hood so I could be a wolf. Otherwise, I’m gonna be really random and say the third goat from the Billy Goats Gruff story just cuz. Throwing a troll off a bridge is close enough to my personality right? Lol. Of course, they’re all boys, and I don’t want to be a boy, I’d want to be a girl. So, final answer I guess is Belle from Beauty and the Beast.
If Patrice Wilson produced a music video starring you, what would your song be called? Describe your outlandish video!
If would have to be a song against my will because no way am I willing going along with it. I don’t know what it would be called, but would either be based on playing devil’s advocate or watching Youtube. Or somehow incorporate wolves…that might be really random, but so are the rest of his songs. The entire video would be me not singing and sitting in front of the computer.
I wasn’t very creative with my own song, but I did come up with a part of Amy’s (sung to the tune of “Friday”)
It’s Naptime! Naptime! Gotta sleep now its bedtime. I’m so looking forward to my
pillow, pillow!
Do you ever just get the urge to dance?
Yes. I just don’t.
What's a question from a past question Tuesday that you wanted to answer and what is the answer to that question?
^ This one. Lol, jk.
Where did the terms right wing and left wing originate, in the context of politics?
According to my research, “the terms date back to pre-revolutionary France. In 1789, the French National Assembly was created as a parliamentary body to move control of issues, such as taxation, from the king to the citizenry. Inside the chamber where the National Assembly met, members of the Third Estate sat on the left side and members of the First Estate sat on the right. The Third Estate consisted of revolutionaries, while the First Estate were nobles. Thus, the left wing of the room was more liberal, and the right wing was more conservative.”
Some people have proposed another underlying (and probably wrong) reason: "Right" can also mean "correct," while the Latin term for "left" suggests "sinister" behavior. Lol. Right wingers probably like that. (And if you were curious, yes “sinister” was originally a Latin word that referred to “the left”. Any negative connotations developed later on.)
If your ideal man were a prince with a one-word adjective name, what would it be (and you can't pick Charming)?
How about Prince Courageous?
What are some of your favorite song lyrics?
Idk…. I don’t think I have any favorites.
The first time I heard “Love Story” by Taylor Swift I was sort of enamored by
“Is this in my head? I don't know what to think
He knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring and said
Marry me Juliet
You'll never have to be alone”
And I quite like
“My heart is breaking for my sister and the con that she call "love"
When I look into my nephew's eyes...
Man, you wouldn't believe the most amazing things that can come from...
Some terrible lies”
From “Some Nights” by FUN
Oooo! And Kiss the Girl by Chameleon Circuit
“She's not my girlfriend,
She's just a friend who's a girl,
She's my buddy, she's my best mate,
She rocks my world”
Do you have any favorite bands?
Not really. I tend to have songs I really like more than bands or singers I really like. Though I have been enjoying everything I’ve heard from FUN recently.
If you were an AP English teacher and you could teach whatever books you wanted, what are 5 books that you would have your students read?
(I’m going to assume that plays don’t count for this as to cut down on the options to choose from)
(I also decided to count any series as one book. Yeah, it’s kinda cheating but…shhhhhhhhhh. Just shhhhhhhhh)
Why???? I can’t choooooose! I made it a top ten, but I guess the first 5 are my actual choices.
1) Chronicles of Narnia
2) Catch-22
3) The Fault in our Stars
4) Pride and Prejudice
5) The Giver
6) The Hunger Games trilogy
7) The Catcher in the Rye
8) White Fang
9) Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy series
10) If on a Winter's Night a Traveler <--- I haven’t read this one, but I really want to. (I had a top 9, and wanted a nice round number. I couldn’t decide, so I opted for one I haven’t read just cuz – it’s not like it counts for the top 5 anyway. It apparently has a lot of merit and the summary is very intriguing) Have any of you read it? Opinions if you have?
Do you prefer educational videos or vlogs?
Definitely vlogs. I do really enjoy educational videos, but vlogs in any form are so much more personable and can cover far more discussion topics ranging from serious to hilarious.
What would you do if you had one day as a Jill? (ferret)
Have adventures where the moral of the story turns out to be interesting but ultimately useless information.
Sara and Anna Beth
What are you most looking forward to about our/the road trip?
At the moment I think I’m mainly excited to be on the West Coast, especially around the Grand Canyon area. It’s somewhere I’ve never been before and the landscape is pretty different from the stuff you see here. But I’m kinda looking forward to everything.
What's a fire, and why does it--what's the word--burn?
Fire is the heat and light formed as a product of oxygen based combustion. It's a visible, tangible side effect of matter changing form, but fire itself is not matter. It burns because the fuel has managed to be raised to an ignition temperature through some means, and the heat of the flame itself keeps the fuel at the ignition temperature so it continues to burn as long as there is fuel and oxygen around it. It also burns because I like it and I want the fire to BLAZE.
Should I choose the smoothest course, steady as the beating drum?
Probably not. As tumblr says (I think Lowell Lundstrum said it originally if the internet can be trusted): “If your dreams don’t scare you, they aren’t big enough. (That’s related right?) Plus, if you chose the smoothest course, you and your people would probably end up in a terrible war with the settlers pretty soon.
Though there is an upside to taking the smoothest course: You don’t end up with John Rolfe, and the horrendous second movie never happens.
When will my reflection show who I am inside?
Never, unless you cut yourself open and stand in front a mirror (a practice I would strongly suggest you don’t do). I guess you could open your mouth really wide, but that won’t show you all that much. Oh, were you talking about your personality and/or character traits? I suppose you could write all that stuff on your face then look in a mirror, but really you should probably just give up on the whole idea in reference to a literal reflection.
When will my life begin?
It already has. You were born, what, 18 years ago?
Jack Skellington
What's this?
What’s what? You’ll have to clarify what you mean by ‘this’. Do you mean the blog? Or perhaps the internet? Or the English language? Unless you just meant what is the word ‘this’. In that case, ‘this’ is an English word that can be used as a pronoun, adjective, or adverb. It can be used to indicate a person, thing, idea, state, event, time, remark, etc., as present, near, just mentioned or pointed out, supposed to be understood, by way of emphasis, degree as present, near, just indicated or mentioned, or as well-known or characteristic, or it can mean to the extent or degree indicated.
Oliver Twist
Please, sir, I want some more.
That isn’t a question, little boy. Now get back to the workhouse!
Would you learn/do an abortion IF you needed to as part of some class you needed?
I’d just like to point out that no class (med school or otherwise) would force you to perform an abortion. At most you’ll be asked to how to perform one and observe and/or assist one performed by a licensed physician. If in some alternate universe it was required, I’m not sure how I would respond. Knowing that the procedure would probably be performed regardless would tempt me to go ahead and do it if I only had to do it once. Circumstances would also change if the mother’s life was in danger and the only way to save her would be perform an abortion. In that case I would definitely do it. If I could get away with still getting through med school while not doing the required abortion class, I’d probably try that.
What color (can't be a shade of brown/black) would you dye your hair if you had to color all your hair?
Probably blue. I like blue. Green or purple may not be that bad (if I were forced). What do you all think looks best?
What's your dream date, like how would your day go?
First date or any date?
For some reason a gazebo lined with Christmas lights alongside a forest at nighttime comes to mind.
What's on your Christmas list this year?
Nothing as of yet.
What are your day dreams pertaining to our road trips? (both VidCon and Europe)
Lately for next summer’s roadtrip, I’ve been day dreaming a lot about the long car trip day and first arriving at the Vidcon hotel.
Thinking about Europe inevitably leads to me thinking about the possibility of meeting some awesome Youtubers. Though I also often like to think about visiting Pompeii.
Favorite mythical creature?
Maybe a Griffin if it were like the portrayals in The Chronicles of Narnia.
Favorite reading spot?
Just my bed, really.
Yes, please.
Oh, favorite snack? Ummm….
Kit Kats for something chocolaty
Strawberries and sugar for something sweet
Bread for pretty much any other craving
Between those 3, strawberries probably win.
Sun, stars, or moon?
So hard to choose between the stars and the moon…but I think I prefer the moon.
Pencil or pens?
Pencils! I usually avoid writing with pens as much as possible. I prefer to be able to erase if(when) I need to.
Favorite children's book?
Must. Stop. Self. From. Choosing. Everybody Poops [in your pants].
But no, really:
The Bernstein Bears books. All of them.
If only one, then probably The Stinky Cheese Man and Other Fairly Stupid Tales or Are You my Mother?
Favorite Outfit?
Ummm, I guess my black ninja hoodie with either the blue striped v-neck t-shirt or the green and white baseball t-shirt underneath and my favorite pair of jeans with toms. It’s comfortable and usually makes me feel good.
Favorite mode of transport?
Does this have to be a mode of transportation I can actually use/have used in the past? If so then probably horseback. If anything real or not real, then I would totally choose hoverboard!!!!!! Specifically the type Tally uses to visit the Smoke in Uglies.
What career would you pursue if you didn't want to be a doctor?
No idea.
It would be cool to make it as a writer…maybe. Then again, I like the idea of writing, but not often being an author.
Is there a career you would never want to do?
Deep sea explorer.
How would you describe yourself in 3 words/adjectives?
indecisive, adventurous, reserved
If you won the lottery, who would you tell first?
Probably my parents. Or whichever one you all I saw first.
Favorite time of day?
What random noise (aka not music) do you find beautiful?
The sound of pencil scratching against paper, particularly when someone is drawing something.
phew! That took awhile. Sara, you finally get your questions back next week.
I choose Rachael as my favorite of the week *coughandithasnothingtodowiththefactthatshegavemecupcakesearliertodaycough*