Starting with Rachael’s questions:
Interesting night/set your own hours jobs- employ yourself, be an author/artist/some other kind of creative person, work the night shift at Steak ‘n Shake.
I have no idea what I would do with a million dollars. I’d probably just put it in the bank and be less frugal about buying stuff… And donate some of it. Which reminds me of something cool that happened on Sunday! I help with the 8th grade girls’ Sunday school class at church, and we’re sponsoring a compassion child. So we were passing around the jar for her, and one of the girls put in a $100! She apparently found it on the ground at Sam’s, so after she tried to find the owner, she decided to donate it instead of keeping it herself :)
Shelby- saving the world through general awesomeness
Amy- Genius of China
Sara- human boa constrictor
Rachael- the ability to draw things into existence
Anna Beth- apparition
Jill- water bending
Amber- mind control
Sanaa- insanity (scares away the bad guys)
And on to the plethora of questions posed by Anna Beth:
Happiness: in my opinion, if all that ever happens in your life is happy things, then you can’t really know what happiness is, even if it’s the only thing you’ve ever felt. It takes neutral, and even sad things in between the happiness in order for it to be meaningful. Sort of like the point I made about awesome. This song is kind of about the opposite of too much happiness, but it’s sort of related and pretty much makes my point in contrast. Also, I really like it. So listen and enjoy!
Joy: I sort of feel like the points I’ve already made apply to feelings in general. If it’s all you ever feel, then you can’t appreciate it as much as you otherwise could. Such good things as awesome, happiness, and joy have to be limited in order to be felt as they’re meant to be.
“Too much” questions: Yes, and Anna Beth seems to be trying for this one (this being but the third of her five suggestions). I like to get several of them to answer, but if I get too many to fit into my blog, then I have to pick and choose which ones I want to address. Which would make me sad :(. On a larger scale, I’m sure that with too much of a concentration of these kinds of questions, I would eventually tire of answering them, just like my audience would tire of listening.
Wisdom: wisdom generally comes from life, specifically mistakes and bad things that occur during it. So the wiser one is, the more unfortunate events have happened to that person. That’s why wise guys (haha) in movies are so sad. I think that they would certainly feel like it’s possible to be too wise. Of course, there’s also the example of Solomon to consider. He was granted wisdom instead of having to be miserable to attain it. In that case, I feel like (though this doesn’t apply to Solomon specifically) being too wise would lead to sadness instead of being caused by it (it’s a circular relationship). Having too much understanding of this world would be a great burden on the human mind. So, in summary, wisdom in excess is burdensome and sad, and I don’t think a human could handle it.
Friendship: It’s kind of funny that Anna Beth asked this one, since my answer is that too much friendship, or time spent with one’s friends, leads to a deficiency in family time, which Anna Beth is often vocal about.
So that’s all the questions for this week! Feel free to start asking for next week, whether they’re dealing with “too much” of something or not. ¡Adios!