Let’s see, what did this week consist of? I’m still on this odd Shakespeare kick. I ended up reading Much Ado About Nothing and then buying that play starring David Tennant and Catherine Tate. It was really good! Amber, you’ll have to let Sara, Anna Beth, and I know when they’re doing that play in the park thing so we can go see it with you.
I also turned in my volunteer application at the medical center and talked to the Director of volunteers this week. She’s really nice and I can’t wait to start working there. It’s supposed to take a week or two to process the application and background check though. They said they’re probably put me in the ER which sounds pretty cool.
I actually had something interesting to talk about this week, but I don’t remember what it is, and I’d rather go back to watching the Mario Marathon Live Stream. That’s probably what I’m going to be spending a lot of this weekend doing. These guys in Indiana have been putting on this fundraiser for Child’s Play charity for the last few years where they keeping playing Mario games until the donations stop. And they’re hilarious, especially when sleep deprived early in the morning. The guy playing right now just finished a challenge where he had to play a level not facing the screen but turned around facing a mirror that reflected the screen.
Here’s a link to the live stream: mariomarathon.com
Check it out if you want. Maybe encourage some people to donate.
That’s all I have for this week.