I’m discovering I’m getting really busy, really quickly. And I’m getting very exhausted. You know, Vandy’s hard. And it’s just now February. *Sigh*
It’s better to focus on the good things. The little things that make me continue my insane schedule and let me love my life. So I’ve composed a lovely list of the things that were wonderful this week. In no particular order, here’s the best parts of this week:
1) My friend Kelsey was accepted into seminary! Yay!!! We had a mini-celebration Wednesday, to be continued another night when we both feel less tired.
2) Yesterday I was walking to the BCM from Hillsboro when my friend Corey spots me from several feet away and goes and “hides” behind a light pole. Cue the largest smile on my face today. :D
3) As I mentioned in my last post, and now feel safe divulging more details, I went onto my first rooftop at Vanderbilt last Saturday night with my friend Mark. We also pranced and did some swing dancing on the football field. Quite an excellent night.
4) Last night (Friday night) I spent several hours looking up off-campus housing options for me and my future roommates Emily, Anna Katherine, and Ruthie (assuming the city of Nashville allows 4 unrelated people to live in an apt together- weird metro codes). Oh the lovely apartments…and townhouses…and houses!
5) I had a 2 hour nap Friday. ‘Twas wonderful.
6) The unity and the sheer beauty of singing praise and worship to God with about 100 people I didn’t know outside of the town hall meeting Tuesday night. I’ll do another blog post on what the meeting was about another time, but that night was magical. I also fasted all of Tuesday, something I’ve never done before but will certainly do again. It was a wonderful way to feel an even closer connection to God.
7) I was so exhausted during Victory practice Wednesday that I almost fell asleep several times. However, Kelsey continued to poke me awake, and Mark let me rest on his shoulder several times. I love those two. Such kind friends.
8) Also at Victory practice, a potential new member told me she liked my voice, even though I was still suffering from a cold. Such a lovely girl. She made my night.
9) I was alive on Friday at 12 am! After my program was submitted and all homework completed! XD The best feeling.
10) I have pledge retreat today and tomorrow! We’re going to Bon Aqua, TN for a night at a Christian retreat camp. So excited!
11) My friend Mike and I finally got to see each other for the first time this semester when we had coffee on Wednesday. We’re also going to learn/play/die-of-laughter-from-learning-to-play pool tomorrow in an actual “pool club” (if that’s what you call it). =)
12) Rachael & Jill are coming to Vandy for a fencing tournament today! I’ll get to see them in < 7 hours! <3 <3 <3
13) I paid my deposit for my spring break trip to New Orleans today! I can’t wait!
14) I found a yellow flower lying on the floor outside of the Pub today. I picked it up and brought it back to my room, where it’s currently residing inside of my blue vase. It truly is the little things…
15) Hugging my dragon. Who still needs a name. Hmmm….. Sara, what should I name my dragon?
16) The lyrics “Let you rest your head on me, if that’s what you need, in this teenage dream tonight.” <3 this song. Thanks Jill. ^_^
Boyce Avenue- "Teenage Dream"