But actually I'm posting this now because my Thursdays have become crazier than ever--have I told you about my tutorials?
They have classes called 'tutorials' over here which are an extension of your usual lectures. Basically it's a sneaky way of adding an extra hour of class that you don't get credit for. But they divide the class in half and it's a time meant for discussion, questions, and so students get a more one-on-one time with the "lecturer" (they only call department heads 'professor'). I have a tutorial for History of Witchcraft and one for Practical Ethics--an extra hour of each class I have to go to. But worst part I think is that there at a different time than your class, so you leave, and then you have to come back in an hour or two to a different place for your tutorial. My tutorial for Practical Ethics makes my Thursdays seem fuller than they are:
8-9 Physics
11-1 Practical Ethics
1-2 Bio of Animals
3-4 PE Tutorial
6-9 Physics Lab
At least I don't have to do a Physics lab report every week...even if the lab is 3 hours long. (I figured when I get back to WKU I'm going to love 2-hour labs because they'll seem short)
Enough about school. On St. Patrick's Day, Brenden took us girls to Himatangi Beach that's about 20 minutes away. It's so pretty! You can drive on the beach, and there's a lot of shallow water if you didn't want to actually swim. After we were done with the water, we drove a while done the beach side and Brenden did a couple of "burn outs" on the sand. Getting extreme!
Later I watched part of our school's rugby club's game and Tom made us corn beef, cabbage, and potatoes in honor of St. Patrick. That night, we went to one of our Irish pubs that we have here in Palmy.
It was my turn to cook for our Sunday Dinner and we had Taco night. They were delicious!!
The rest of my week was normal...classes, nap, and Body Balance and pancakes tonight (I feel a tradition forming).
But this Friday: Hunger Games!
May the odds be ever in your favor!