3 Places/Times I’d want to visit with the 10th Doctor in the TARDIS:
1. Raxacoricophallapatorius- really, I just want to go here because of the name. I don’t have much desire to meet any of the Raxacoricophallapatorians, especially after the Slitheen, but how much fun would it be to say “Yeah, just got back from a trip to Raxacoricophallapatorius.” Seriously, say it. It’s a fun name (Unlike its sister planet, Clom. Though they do have their own Disneyland…).
2. Gallifrey- even though it’s the one place I couldn’t visit :(
3. Venice- but not present Venice. The past Venice, from before the canals got all polluted and smelly. Since I figured I should put at least one place on Earth, and Venice is at the top of that list :)
If Davy Jones stabbed his own heart:
Then the post of carrying lost souls across the sea would be vacant until some poor sucker decided to volunteer for the job. Since this requires a painful and permanent cardiectomy, not to mention the horrible pay, I’d say it would take awhile to fill that position.
*Apparently cardiectomy actually refers to the removal of a portion of the stomach, but I couldn’t think of another medical-sounding way to say heart removal. So let me know if you find the actual word for it!