I didn't want to keep you all on pins and needles, so I'm writing this early. Part of this is because I don't feel well (let me hear a chorus of sympathy), so I am skipping church (booooooo). If I feel better at 6:08 PM, then I will probably go to 608 which is the megachurch's trendy college service.
So, let's get the bad news out of the way here. If you keep up with me on facebook, then you already know. I didn't get accepted as a summer intern, but I didn't cry about it, just so you know. I knew that it wasn't likely from the beginning, but I was just hoping for it so much anyway. Disney says, "If you dream about something more than once, it's going to come true." I dreamt about spending the summer in Haiti more than once, so I guess it's going to happen! (To be sure, I've also had multiple dreams about the Doctor, me saving the Harry Potter universe, and Dinosaurs in my backyard.) Still, I press onward, searching for other opportunities to spend my summer there. Otherwise, I will try again with the same organization next year. HOWEVER, that would be a huge bummer for me because I would have to either make special arrangements (of which I do not know the exact process) or I would not longer graduate May 2013!!!
So life has been grand this week! I have enjoyed seeing all of my new classes. It looks like this semester is going to be a huge load of work but probably not unbearable (I hope). This week, my mouth has been hurting, so I have spent a lot of time in bed. With all the time being incapacitated, I barely got my homework done. Hopefully, I will be able to keep up this semester when I'm also working 14 hours a week and volunteering and such. I might have to cut something out of my life... Like Doctor Who. (Gasp!) I would hate to be forced to take such dreadful measures, but I do enjoy getting A's and not failing.
There is a ton of snow here. We went out to Applebee's last night (Me, Monica, Hannah, Kristen, and Jeff!) Jeff is Kristen's boyfriend who has to drive ten hours to see her. I wanted to decide if I approve, but he is an enigma! I kept asking him things about his life, but he totally preferred to spin us a fable instead. It ended up being a little frustrating because the night ended with me still in the dark.
I also went to Red Robin with Hannah yesterday because Hannah and I are good friends. For the record.
Jessica got me the Alex Rider movie for Christmas. Can you believe she found it in a store for one dollar? How very fortunate.
I've been spending a lot of time playing Super Paper Mario, and here is what I decided. The game is made on a 4th grade level, and I still get stuck sometimes. What does that make me? Dumb.
So, I'd like to tell you a little bit about my classes because I'm sure you'll hear more about them as the semester goes on.
10 MWF - Chapel. This is basically like a church service for the entire campus. Sometimes we have faculty testimonies, but usually we have a guest from some organization or something fancy.
11 MWF - Life of a Cruss Cultural Minister. This is supposed to be practical things like how to choose an agency to work with, how to raise funds, how to have a family, etc. I'm auditing, which means no homework!
1 MWF - Western Classics. Gen Ed. Odyssey, Othello, etc. 'Nuff said.
2 MWF - History of Israel. Self explanatory. Going to have to read over a thousand pages for this class over the semester. I can't say I'm ecstatic about all that, but it should be an interesting class otherwise.
9:25 TT - Intro to Comm. Gen Ed. Speech class, pretty much.
12:45 TT - Prison Epistles. Taught by the brilliant Dr. Kevin Anderson. Forreal. The things that he must know to pull out these random details are beyond me. He might be the most intelligent teacher I have. He definitely seems to be. This class is on the two undisputed prison epistles of Paul (Philippians and Philemon) as well as the two disputed epistles (Colossians and Ephesians). I am very excited about this class, even though it is going to be extraordinarily difficult. Dr. Anderson is very hard to please in coursework. In my Synoptic Gospels class with him, I got a B on every single paper. I do enjoy a good challenge though!
2 TT - Ministry in 2/3 World. The name for this course was given by a professor who enjoyed telling people that two thirds of the world is second or third world (meaning impoverished, underdeveloped, etc). However, it would be more accurately titled "Spiritual Power" or something like that. It deals with things like spiritual warfare, demons, etc. The reason it's the 2/3 world is because that's where we generally see masses of people who still deal with magic, voodoo, witchdoctors, etc. I'm excited about this class for sure. There are only six of us, plus Dr. Shmidt, and that always makes for a spectacular experience.
4 W & 10 S - Yes, S stands for Saturday! However, there are 25 class sessions, and we only need to attend 10 of them. I already missed one because I wasn't feeling too great yesterday. I have a feeling that I will attend mostly Wednesday sessions, but I hope to go on most Saturdays as well because that's when we work on our small group projects out on the farm! By the way, this class is mission farm. It is intended to teach basic agriculture and small animal raising for the mission field. Woot woot! I am pretty excited about this class as well. Why else would I take a one hour credit class that meets on Wednesday nights and Saturdays?!
9 F - This is theory of wellness. It's basically a health class. I have to work out 3 times a week for at least 30 minutes. Next week, we have to run a mile and a half for class... I'm so out of shape! I'm dreading this a lot! But I am hoping that this class will make me a little more in shape, so that would be a good thing.
All right, that's probably more than you wanted to know.
I'm still an SLA, but now I am the only one on my hall. This means more responsibility, one less meeting a week, and the opportunity to take more initiative.
My new roommate still seems pretty cool, but I'm not sure if she knows Jesus or not.
I have 14 hours of classes with Jessica a week (and 7 without her). I hope she doesn't get sick of me. Dr. Shmidt, whom we have had classes with EVERY DAY for the past year, thinks that Jessica and I are inseparable. This might have a little truth to it, but we really aren't together ALL the time. Of course we are going to take missions classes together because we are the same year and same major! Anyway, I don't mind being associated with Jessica, but she likes to be her own person, so it hurts her pride a little bit to be remembered as "Jessica and Shelby."
I'm so glad there is no school tomorrow because I am probably going to spend the entire day doing homework. =]
Well, that's probably a lot more about my life than any of you wanted to know!
So, goodbye from my still very cozy bed.