Lesson 1 (of Amy's unofficial and maybe only lesson in Chinese)
pronouns frequently used:
我(wo) = I
你 (ni) = you
它(ta) = it
他(ta)= he
她 (ta)= she
in order to show possession add 的(de) which is the equivalent of ('s) to the subject.
now you can all say mine (我的)yours( 你的)its(它的) his(他的) hers (她的).
here is some direct objects you can use to form your first sentence in Chinese.
面包(mian bao) =bread (Jill)
朋友 (peng you) = friend
猫 (mao) =cat
狗(gou)= dog
妈妈 (mama)=mom
i'll end this post with 新年快乐(xin niang kuai le ) literal meaning is new year happy or Happy New Year!