We went to a restaurant called the Lobster Shanty last night and it was pretty delicious and we had a nice BBQ lunch here at the Lakes where my Grandma lives. My uncle, aunt, and one of my cousins came down for a couple hours as well. Scott, my cousin is now super tall (6'2" I think) and makes me feel short. I felt really old when I remembered that he just graduated high school and off to college soon :/
This afternoon my grandma took me shopping and got me a very nice sundress. I'm sure you'll see it everntually.
What did I do this past week that hasn't been already blogged about?
I ate at my mom's this Friday. We ate stuff that had been grilled. Uhhh..what else? My older brother was there, so that we nice.
This Saturday Jill, Anna Beth, and I met at Panara's and had a pow-wow about our webseries. When we moved to Jill's house we learned that we have a budget! Too bad that money will probably go to our future male actor as a bribe.
Sunday was a lazy day where I did nothing.
Monday we left for Florida and stayed the night in St. Augustine and arrived in Vero Beach the next day about lunch time.
Overall a nice visit to Grandma's for her birthday tomorrow.
I'm also getting better at Call of Duty