I had a relatively successful move-in on Saturday. I managed to move all the furniture around (I’ve kept my record of having a different room layout every semester so far) by myself and somewhat clean the room a bit. It’s surprising how dirty the floor was despite the inactivity over the past two-ish months. I say relatively successful because even though I got everything situated well enough, it wasn’t until late at night that I realized everything that I’d forgotten to pack including dish soap, an umbrella (I did at least have a raincoat which came in handy this week), the correct number of hangers, the hair ties that I bought last Friday because I keep losing mine, and, most importantly, a Pillow! I’ve been using the small decorative pillow for the past week instead. I’m planning on picking all this stuff up this weekend when I go home to do laundry. Here’s a nice little before/after picture of the room. Ignore the mess. It’s Friday. Cleaning is impossible on Friday. The important thing it was clean at one point and will probably be clean again soon.
Like Amy said, Rachael and I joined her and her family for Chinese New Year where we tried some new foods and learned a little bit of Chinese. By the way, Anna Beth, *puts on sunglasses to look more like a poker player* I see your eating of haggis with my first experience with tripe and raise you with Chinese fish noodles. Hehe. Oh, and I’m proud you’re finally doing your own laundry :-P lol jk
Classes have been going pretty well this week. This semester I’m taking:
-Ecocology (where it took us an hour into the second class to even start talking about Ecology, but it’s also the class that requires a field trip to either the Gulf Coast or the Appalachian Mountains for a full weekend! –awesomesause ) + Lab (which is only every other week but where we get to traipse around the preserve to collect data on birds and possibly write a publishing-worthy paper)
- Anatomy and Physiology (where the professor helped us to remember the difference between supine and prone body positions by having a student demonstrate that Prone looks like Planking!) + Lab
- Living in a Roman City (an Honors discussion based class where we at least in part talk about Roman city planning and where the professor momentarily interrupted the class to ask if anyone had ever thought of how they would choose to layout a city if the Zombie Apocalypse ever happened)
- History 119 (where, after a question by a student was put forward, the professor had to admit historical feces was not his specialty but “The History of Poop” would be an awesome book)
- American Sign Language 2 (where to review the basics of fingerspelling the alphabet and numbers, we searched YouTube for various songs to sign along to, including the Jackson 5’s ABC’s, Oscar Mayer’s Bologna Song, Jenny aka 867-5309, etc.)
So, yeah, I’m enjoying my classes so far. Lol. And Fridays I don’t have class at all (so no, I’m not really jealous of you, Sara :P)! Which basically means I didn’t change out of my PJs until 5:00 pm. Don’t worry, that’s probably a one-time thing. I’m planning on using most Fridays as my opportunity to use open lab hours to study for Anatomy.
Oh, and I’ve very tempted to just keep the biography Rachael made for me. It’s so awesome!
Seeing as I’m having a hard time picking what would be the most ‘awesome’ for this week, I’ll just give a little list to go through, all a little science based:
Spray on Clothing – it is what it implies. weird, but kinda cool
Mind Reading/Recording – imagine eventually being able to record your dreams! So cool!
Eyes - Stare at the red dot on the girl’s face for 30 seconds. Turn your eyes to the wall/roof/other plain surface. Blink rapidly.
Oh, before I forget: Amber! We (meaning myself, Rachael, and maybe Sara) may get to see you next weekend! There's going to be a Fencing tournament at Vanderbilt next Saturday so you should come see us for a bit!
Now, I’m off to actually do some studying! (where studying means watching Crashcourse on YouTube because one of its subjects it coincides awesomely with one of my classes and because the vlogbrothers host it.)
- Jill