Oh yeah, I also learned that Katie is getting married. Yup, Katie Vincent and Canada kid--I mean David are tying the knot sometime end of June/July. In Canada. Where she lives now. My mind is still blown. I also made soup from scratch on Sunday. I'm rather proud of that accomplishment.
Anyway, in order for my blog to look a little less pathetic, I'm going to list a few subtle differences between the United States and New Zealand.
1) The Crosswalk
Drivers here (and I've also heard in Canada) actually stop for pedestrians at crosswalks. They won't try to speed up and 'beat' the walkers to the crosswalk. A normal crosswalk without stoplights or crosswalk signs.
2) Everyone dresses up for class
Every college student has those lazy days/ 8am classes where they simply don't care what they look like and will go to class in sweats and a sweatshirt, right? Nope. Not here. Even the guys here at least put on jeans before coming to class, and most of the girls have on skirts, with their hair done, and a lot have heels on as well. Even old ladies that I see when walking around town are dresses fashionably and have heels. In fact, if you see someone in sweats and glasses, there's a VERY good possibility that it's me--I mean, that they're an American study abroad student.
3) Bare feet
Talking about shoes, it's perfectly acceptable here to go without them. I would say about 20-ish% of people here go without shoes--to class, walking around the mall, on the bus, and even when going grocery shopping.
4) The Food
According to a reliable source, aka my friend Jenna, New Zealand does not have spicy food. Or maybe their level of 'spicy' is a lot milder than American's. NZ is also full of little cafes and bakeries, although the food/drinks that they offer is way more expensive. Kebabs are a New Zealand specialty, along with a sausage served with a piece of sliced bread and tomato sauce (NOT ketchup, tomato sauce is kinda sweet as oppose to salty). But the biggest food here are the meat pies. You can go anywhere that sells anytime of food and you'll most likely be able to buy a meat pie. Apparently the gas station meat pies are the best, but I like the ones they sell in the MUSA shop--their version of our Bates Shop.
I'm sure I can add a few more things to the list, but that's all I can think of right now.
About "Somebody That I Used to Know" I think the song is about a failed relationship where the guy didn't really try to keep the relationship going, but the girl did. Once they broke up, the girl was heart broken, but got over it, but the guy finally realized how much he cares, but by then it's too late. She doesn't care about him anymore.
See you guys in about 32 days